Livestock, Food Security and The Farm Laws
Speaker: Dr. Sagari R. Ramdas, veterinary scientist and member Food Sovereignty Alliance, India who is learning to be an agro-ecological food farmer. A popular educator at The Kudali Intergenerational Learning Centre, Telangana in the areas of women and food sovereignty; Adivasi, indigenous resilience and Buen Vivir and agro-ecological livestock production in the context of Food Sovereignty and Climate Change. She has published widely on gender, ecological governance and social movements.
Moderator: Shri Siraj Hussain, Visiting Senior Fellow, ICRIER
Livestock are a critical component of farming livelihoods and contribute vitally to India’s food and nutritional security. The 3 farm laws recently enacted in India, are set to impact the markets of animals and animal derived food products, and have consequences for every food consumer in India, particularly the vast majority of nutritionally compromised citizens. The lecture will present the connections through the lens of milk, meat and eggs.