08 March 2021, 06:00 pm
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions
C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, IIC main building



Organised in collaboration with Federation of Film Societies of India, NR, the festival presents a screening of documentary films and feature films made by leading women filmmakers at the C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium on 8th and 9th March 2021 at 18:00 each evening.

IMAGINARY HOMES | (2020/18 min; Punjabi, Mundari with English subtitles)
Director: Priya Naresh

An old woman with an incoherent past and a young maid build an imaginary home together. Gurman is an old Punjabi social worker who has lost everything during the Partition of India and then spent her adult life rehabilitating young abducted women in Pakistan. At this point in life, she has lost all sense of the world but the trauma of the past, and the violence against the women that she has witnessed is deeply imbedded in her psyche. Her caretaker, Ela, a young Adivasi girl from the Munda tribe has been forced to repatriate to the city to earn a living, leaving her home and her forest behind. The two women, each yearning for the past, form a bond and try to build a home of their imagination


Followed by

In the Land of Poison Women (Bishkanyear Deshot) | (104 min; 2019; Pangchepa with English subtitles)
Director: Manju Borah

Recipient of the Best Feature Film in Pangchepa, National Film Awards 2019

The film is based on a story distinguished litterateur Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi’s much acclaimed work and is set in Zemithang region of Tawang district in Arunachal Pradesh. Pangchepa is the language spoken by the local Monpa community living in this remote region near the India – China border. Sangra and Lusang’s two children and four others die after consuming a local wine prepared by Lusang. Believed to be a doumoh or poison woman, Lusang is ostracised by her superstitious community. Thupten, an intelligence officer and Tasi Yudan, a circle officer – both from the same community – visit the couple. As Lusang lies on her deathbed, Sangra, in the presence of everybody, reveals a long-hidden secret which vindicates her reputation as a doumoh and hearing this Lusang dies peacefully.


Kindly please make a note

-    Screenings will be held as per the Covid -19 guidelines with 50% seating capacity in the C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium.
-    Wearing of face masks is mandatory and will be strictly enforced. Entry will not be permitted to anyone not wearing a mask
-    Audiences are requested to arrive at the venue, at least 30 minutes prior to the screenings in order to facilitate the screening process at the Door
-    There will be separate doors earmarked for Entry and Exit

We request audiences to kindly abide by the above regulations