20 July 2022, 04:00 pm
Harappan Musicology and New Linguistic Evidence for Words they may have Spoken
Programme Type
C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, IIC main building

Audio-visual presentation by Shri Shail Vyas, Homi Bhabha Fellow, Mumbai, musicologist and composer

Followed by a panel discussion

Panelists: Dr. R.S. Bisht, former Joint Director General, Archaeological Survey of India; Dr. Vasant Shinde, former Vice Chancellor, Deccan College, Pune; Dr. K.N. Dikshit, former Joint Director General, Archaeological Survey of India; and Dr. B.R. Mani, former Director General, Archaeological Survey of India

Chair: Shri K.N. Shrivastava, Director IIC

Moderator: Dr. V.N. Prabhakar, former Director, Archaeological Survey of India and Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar

An introduction to a new and fascinating research on Harappan Archaeomusicology that attempts to recreate ancient sounds and music. This multidisciplinary research has revealed a large set of linguistic data that strongly points towards a language that the Harappans may have spoken. The illustrated presentation will be followed by panel discussion with leading archaeologists who will share their views and discuss the far-reaching implications of this path breaking research