12 August 2022, 06:30 pm
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions
C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, IIC main building

A tribute to well-known filmmaker and media professional, Pramod Mathur. The tribute includes a screening of documentaries made by Pramod and Neelima Mathur, conversations and a panel discussion

  Opening Address
Aruna VasudevRaghu Rai, Naresh Bedi, Rajiv Mehrotra, Lavlin Thadani, Mahendra Verma,  Indrani Mishra, P.D. Valson, S. Dhanpal, ,Milin Kapoor .

Pre-recorded videos from Monica Lal, Meinolf FritzenMichael Camerini, Cheryl Groff,  Ron Hess, Abdul Ashraf Dali, Sang-ki Lee and  Iikka Vehkalahti 


At 7:20 pm    Film: Jungle Dreams (28 min; 1997; English)
Chendru, a Muria tribal in central India, had acted in a Swedish film forty years ago before this film was made.  The present film studies the impact of the Swedish film on this simple tribal boy viz-a-viz his relationship with kinsmen and the changes in his life forty years later. 

Discussion on The Filmmaker and Protagonist Relationship
Introduction and Conversation led by Pankaj Johar, documentary filmmaker