31 October 2022, 06:30 pm
Japan-India Cultural Investments
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
Conference Room I, IIC main building

Illustrated lecture by Dr. Anu Gupta Jindal, artist, curator and scholar

Chair: Dr. Srikanth Kondapalli, Dean, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University

With inputs by Dr. Kusum Ansal, Ikebana Practitioner and author

Japan and India have a long and rich history, heritage and culture. The two countries are indelibly linked historically through Buddhism. In modern times, much progress has been made in deepening and strengthening ties in many areas – politics, strategic partnerships, economy and trade, grants assistance, science and technology, urban planning, and in the field of art and culture. The talk will discuss the cultural interactions between Japan and India and prospects in the future which can percolate into multiple advantageous areas.


Dr Anu Jindal, artist, scholar & curator holds a Ph.D. in Japanese Art History from the National Museum Institute, New Delhi. As a Japan Foundation Fellow she studied at Doshisha University, Kyoto. For a year she worked as Visiting Research Professor at the International Research Centre for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan. For three decades she has been involved with Japanese studies, with many presentations, teaching modules and publications. Her admiration of Japanese culture reflects in her artistic oeuvre too, through inspiration and influences from Japanese art & ethos.