04 August 2012, 05:30 am
Disability Touched by Faith
Programme Type
Workshop for people with impairments and care-givers
Ms Abha Khetarpal, Mr Samuel and Mrs Meenu Mani, Ms Abigail Rao and Ms Preeti Monga share how a spiritual perspective has helped them live with polio, cerebral palsy, hearing and visual impairments
Dr A.K. Merchant, Trustee, Bahá'à House of Worship; Rabbi E.I. Malekar, Judah Hyam Synagogue; Prof M.H. Qureshi, Shri A.M. Khwaja Chair, Jamia Millia Islamia; and Shri Armoogum Parsuramen, Founder, Global Rainbow Foundation, Mauritius, speak of the need to redress perceptions of disability as a punishment, curse or defect
Moderator: Ms Simmi Kher, Tony Blair Faith Foundation