30 November 2012, 05:30 am
Weaving Magic: Romance of the Kashmir Shawl
An exhibition of shawls from the collection of Aditi Desai, social anthropologist who has spent many years studying, collecting and documenting Kashmir shawls in India and Europe
Inauguration by Dr Karan Singh, M.P., on Thursday, 29th November, at 18:30
Talk on 1st December 2012 at 16:00 in the Gallery
The Kashmir Shawl: A Collector's Journey
Illustrated lecture by Aditi Desai who will draw on her fieldwork and on conversations with weavers, traders, darners and shawl collectors. She will speak of raising awareness of this craft, describe the restoration of shawls, tell stories of shawl collecting, and remove prevalent misconceptions
Aditi Desai will also be in the gallery every day at 12:30 to conduct a walkthrough