09 February 2013, 05:30 am
Zanskar - The Rainbow Mountains

An exhibition of photographs by Usha Vohra

Zanskar is virtually a secret land, tucked away deep in the Himalayas, with innumerable nameless mountains spreading across infinite spaces. The landscape"”desolate, arid and stark"”presents a formidable spectacle


Zanskar is virtually a secret land, tucked away deep in the Himalayas, with innumerable nameless mountains spreading across infinite spaces. The landscape - desolate, arid, and stark - presents a formidable spectacle.


A sight of the luminous mountains, spreading far beyond vision, leaves the viewer awestruck and humbled. Mineral reserves in the Zanskar Himalayas impart enchanting rainbow hues to the rocks.


Time is measured here in seasons, not days and weeks.


USHA VOHRA has been a keen photographer for the past several years.

Most of the photographs of the mountains have been taken from a helicopter.



On view 9th to 15th February 2013

11 am to 7 pm daily in the Art Gallery, Kamaladevi Block