19 January 2015, 05:30 am
DNA- Molecule of the Century: Impact on Human Society
Programme Type
Speaker: Dr. Seyed E. Hasnain, J.C. Bose National Fellow, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, IIT (Delhi)
DNA has emerged as the most important molecule of the century with direct applications in health; GM foods and GMOs; creating new living forms in the test tube carrying designer genes for use of bio-pharmaceuticals, energy source or bio-remediation of environmental pollutants; genetic fingerprinting and forensics, etc. With a large number of DNA tests available for ‘predictive medicine’ several companies are cashing on the value of personalized genomics for better human health. Tracing human migration and evolution are some other examples of applications of DNA. With scientists trying to play God and even the basic social notion that “Mother is a Mother is a fact, Father is a Father is a belief” being questioned, judges are now grappling with unprecedented issues centred around DNA and the new Biology