Fusion LUNCH (17 Nov @ Rose Garden)
Start Date
15 November 2019, 12:00 am
Day & Date: Sunday, 17th November 2019
Venue: India International Centre Rose Garden
Venue: India International Centre Rose Garden
Dear Member, India International Centre is organizing a special “Fusion LUNCH”*, on Sunday, 17th November 2019 in the Rose Garden. Lunch will start at 13.00 hours. As we have a limited number of seats, Members and their spouse can reserve a table for a maximum of four guests (i.e. table for a maximum of 6 persons). Members are requested to make advance bookings with the Centralised Booking Office on 24609377/24609378/24609379 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm on all working days or else send an email to cm@iicdelhi.in Please note, reservations will be made on a first-come-first served basis. If required, a Member may be requested to share a table with other Members to ensure the best utilization of seating capacity. Cancellation of bookings after 16th November 2019 will not be entertained. Members can book by paying in advance or pay at the venue using their Smart Card or Debit/Credit Cards. Thanking you, (Kanwal Wali) Secretary |