11 May 2024, 10:00 am
Dialogues in Health and Wellness
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Conceptualised by Dr. Ashwani Kumar

Pre-hospital Trauma Care: Saves a Life

Workshop and talk


From 10:00 to 13:00

Workshop on Steps for Immediate life Support in Road Traffic Injuries for Bystanders

Every year, hundreds of lives are cut short as a result of road crashes. The socio-economic burden of road crashes is disproportionately borne by families of road crashes victims. The crashes are preventable with the implementation of data-led interventions and evidence based approaches to saving lives. Training bystanders on care after road traffic injuries can create a large network of individuals equipped with knowledge and immediate life-saving skills. These individuals when present at the emergency scene as responder/bystanders will improve the chances of survival and reducing the severity of injuries. The Workshop will be conducted by subject experts


Open to IIC members and staff members of IIC


At 16:00

Pre-hospital Trauma care saves a life

Speaker: Dr. Subodh Kumar, Professor of Trauma Surgery, JPN Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi

Chair: Dr. Ashwani Kumar


Followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Sushma Sagar, Dr. Amit Gupta, and Dr. Subodh Kumar, Professors of Trauma Surgery, JPN Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS; Dr. Sanjeev Lalwani, Professor of Forensic Medicine, JPN Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS; and Dr. Tej Prakash Sinha, Addl. Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, JPN Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS


In the city of Delhi, injured persons are usually transferred by police PCR vans, CATS ambulances and patients’ relatives. Only very few bystanders come forward and help these trauma victims. More and more bystanders (laypersons) should help these injured people in reaching the nearby hospital in a safe and timely manner and be a ‘GOOD SAMARITAN’.  The Good Samaritan Law allows a person, without expectation of payment or reward and without any duty of care or special relationship, voluntarily come forward to administer immediate assistance or emergency care to a person injured in an accident, or crash, or emergency medical condition. Good Samaritan Law protects Good Samaritans from harassment on the actions being taken by them to save the life of the road accident victims.


Laypersons can also be trained in various immediate life support procedures such as control of bleeding, splinting of fractured limbs, protection of backbone (spine) while shifting etc.