The following services are extended by the Library:

1. Reading Room

2. Borrowing Facility

3. Access to Internet and Wi-Fi

4. Access to E-Resources and JSTOR

5. Interlibrary Loan

6. Bibliographic Service on Demand

7. Access to CDs/ DVDs

8. Access to Assistive Technology including Kindle

9. Library Cubicles

10. Library Lockers

11. Photocopying and Scanning Facility


1. Reading Room

  • Strict silence shall be observed in the Library.

  • The use of cell phones is not allowed in the reading room.

  • Members shall deposit their cell phones with the Library staff before entering the Library. Any Member found using a cell phone inside the Library shall invite appropriate action.

  • Tables for researchers may not be reserved. No books, papers, etc., may be left on these tables.

  • A Member may hold only one newspaper or journal for reading at a time, to be replaced on the stand after use.(Back to the top)


2.Borrowing Facility

Eligible Members may avail of the borrowing facility as per Library rules. Kindly go through the Library Rules for details.


3. Access to Internet and Wi-Fi

Internet facility to Members and Residents is available in the Library free of charge. Members may use their own laptops within the Library premises and can also avail of the Wi-Fi facility. Members shall be charged ₹2/- per printout.


4. Access to E-Resources

  • The Library has online access to some of the periodicals received in print form. Members may access them using the Library’s Internet facility. Online Journals 

  • The Library has subscribed to JSTOR, Granth Sanjeevani, and Critical Collective online resources for archived academic journals in the fields of arts and sciences, ecology, language, literature, music and social sciences. Members may access them using the Library’s Internet facility. (Online Resources) (Back to the top)


5. Inter-Library Loan (ILL) (back to list of Library Services)

  • Limited facilities for Inter-Library Loan are available to Members who are using the Library regularly.

  • IIC Library facilitates ILL through its collaborative ties with DELNET.

  • Books procured through ILL using DELNET facilities are not issued out and may be consulted only in the Library.(Back to the top)


6. Bibliographic Service on Demand 

  • Members may demand a bibliography from the collection available on Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). While the soft copy of such a bibliography is free of charge, a printout is charged at ₹ 2/- per page. (Back to the top)


7. Access to CDs/ DVDs 

  • DVDs and CDs may be issued to Members for quiet use in the Library, and also issued out on loan for a fortnight.

  • A Member using a CD/DVD in the Library must return it to the Library’s Reference Desk before leaving.

  • DVDs and CDs shall be handled with care. In case of damage, Members shall be required to replace them. (Back to the top)


8. Access to Assistive Technology, including Kindle (back to list of Library Services)

The following assistive technology products are available:

  • Optelec’sClearView + Desktop Video Magnifier system magnifies anything under the viewfinder from two to 50 times its original size, always maintaining perfect focus.

  • SuperNova Access Suite from Dolphin provides three ways to access Windows applications. The user can choose what works best for him/her: magnification, speech, Braille, or a combination of all three.

  • Dragon speech recognition software makes it easier for anyone to use a computer. You talk, and it types.

  • PlustekOptibook 3600 Bookedge Scanner.


Members can use the e-book reader Kindle. It is a Wireless Reading Device, developed by for rendering and displaying e-books and other digital media. .(Back to the top)


9. Library Cubicles 

The Library has six cubicles that are rented out to Members for quiet reading. Photocopying and scanning facilities are available on payment. Members may also avail of limited Inter-Library Loan facilities. The rules for availing of the cubicle facility are:

  • Library cubicles are rented out to only Member–Scholars of the Centre, keeping in view the importance of their projects and the availability of material on their projects in the Library.

  • While submitting the application for allotment, the Member is required to submit a write-up of one or two paragraphs on the project for which he/she wishes to utilise the cubicle.

  • The current rental for each cubicle is ₹800/- per month, plus Service charge, and GST as applicable from time to time.

  • The maximum period for which a cubicle may be rented is three months.

  • Each cubicle is meant for quiet study by one person only.

  • Personal books may be brought in only with the permission of the Chief Librarian. A list of such books shall be deposited at the Counter.

  • Books from special collections such as ‘India Collection’, ‘Himalayan Club Collection’, ‘Bilgrami Collection’, ‘Walter Sykes George Collection’, and ‘C. D. Deshmukh Collection’ may not be taken inside the cubicle for consultation.

  • A maximum of 10 books may be issued at a time for use in the cubicle for a fortnight, and may be renewed provided there is no prior reservation.

  • Reference books may not be kept in the cubicle.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the cubicle.

  • The consumption of tea, snacks or meals is not permitted in the cubicle.

  • Guests are neither to be brought to nor entertained in the cubicle.

  • The Library shall retain one key of the cubicle for emergency purposes.

  • A Member who does not use the cubicle continuously for 30 days will forfeit the right to use it for the rest of the allotted term unless he/she informs the Chief Librarian in writing, and allows its transfer, if possible, to a Member exigently requiring the facility for the period of the original allotee’s absence.

  • A Member who has released the cubicle to be used in his/her absence cannot claim the extension of the term for the period he/she remains absent, nor may the Member to whom it is offered in the interim period.

  • A Member who is allotted a cubicle shall not allow its use by any other person in his/her absence. In such a case, the allotment shall be cancelled with immediate effect.

  • The Centre shall not be responsible for any thefts or losses that may occur during the use of a cubicle by a Member. (Back to the top)


10.. Library Lockers 

      The Library has six lockers which may be rented out only to Members using the reading room facilities regularly in connection with their research or              writing work. The rules for availing of the lockers are:

  • The current monthly rental for each locker is ₹200/- (plus 18% GST).

  • The period for which a locker may be rented out is one month. Further extensions may be allowed, subject to the availability of the locker.

  • Each locker is to be used for storing the Member’s published books and research notes, and nothing else.

  • The payment for locker rental is required to be made in advance, before possession.

  • The Library shall retain one key of the locker for emergency purposes.

  • The Centre shall not be responsible for any thefts or losses that may occur during the use of a locker by a Member. (Back to the top)


11. ​​​​​​​Photocopying and Scanning Facilities 

Photocopying facilities are available in the Library for Members at ₹1/- for B/W A4 exposure; ₹2/- for B/W A3 exposure; and ₹10/- for A4 and ₹20/- for A3 colour exposure, per page. Currently, a scanning facility is also available in the Library for Members at ₹15/- per page. Computer Printouts (B/W) are chargeable at ₹2/- per page. (Back to the top)