Women Translate Women

22 February 2025, 06:30 pm
Women Translate Women
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Panelists: Astri Ghosh, who translates from Norwegian, Hindi and other languages into English; Krupa Ge, who translates from Tamil to English; Rita Kothari who translates from Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi to English; and Ira Pande who translates from Hindi to English

Moderator: Rita Kothari

The discussion focuses on translation, and what happens when women translate women. The discussion brings together translators to speak about how and whether their gender impacts the process of translation, do they feel more drawn to the work of women, what is the ‘relationship’ between writer and translator when both occupy the same gender

(Collaboration: Zubaan; and Ashoka Centre for Translation)


Social Scientists in the Civic Space. Ethical perspectives on Democratic Involvement

18 February 2025, 06:30 pm
Social Scientists in the Civic Space. Ethical perspectives on Democratic Involvement
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Edited by Arundhati Virmani, Jean Boutier and Manohar Kumar (Routledge, New Delhi: 2025)

Short presentation on the book by the Editors of the book – Prof. Arundhati Virmani, EHESS, Norbert Elias Centre in Social Sciences, Marseille; Prof. Jean Boutier, Directeur d’Etudes, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Marseille and former Director of the Norbert Elias Centre in Social Sciences (2002-2011); and Prof. Manohar Kumar, Assistant Professor, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT); and Shri Namit Arora


Panelists: Shri Manish Tewari, Member of Parliament; Prof. Rajiv Bhargava, noted political theorist, Honorary Fellow and Founder Director, Parekh Institute of Indian Thought, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies; Prof. Zoya Hasan, National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research and Professor of Political Science and the Dean of School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University; and Namit Arora, public historian and author, former IIT and Silicon valley engineer

Moderator: Ms Shweta Kothari, journalist

Discussion based on the proceedings of an IIC Seminar organised in collaboration with EHESS, Centre Norbert Elias, Marseille and Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi in January 2020


At the Edge of the Ocean

17 February 2025, 06:30 pm
At the Edge of the Ocean
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

An evening of Lama Doboom Tulku’s poetry

Reading and reflection by Dr. Maya Joshi, Associate Professor of Literature. Lady Shri Ram College for Women
Dancing Eloquence by Zuleikha, StoryDancer

Introduction: Dr. Sudhamahi Regunnathan, academic

(Collaboration: World Buddhist Culture Trust)

Symposium on Artisans by Design: Reflections on the journey of Education for Textile Artisans in India

07 February 2025, 10:00 am
Symposium on Artisans by Design: Reflections on the journey of Education for Textile Artisans in India
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

The Symposium will reflect on the past and future of design education for textile artisans in India. The symposium brings together an inspiring array of voices – artisan-design graduates, educators, mentors, and experts, alongside Judy Frater, the founder of India’s pioneering design education programme for artisans and  the Founder Director Emerita of Somaiya Kala Vidya, an institute of education for artisans

Moderator: Dr. Ritu Sethi, Craft Revival Trust

(Collaboration: Craft Revival Trust)

Agriculture Policy Series

20 January 2025, 06:00 pm
Agriculture Policy Series
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Is women-centric agri policy the Next Big Idea in Agriculture?

Speakers: Prof. Jayati Ghosh, University of Massachusetts; Prof. N. Manimekalai, Director, Centre for Women’s Development Studies; and Dr.Soma K.P., Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch

Chair: Shri Siraj Hussain, former Secretary Agriculture, Govt. of India

Moderator: Shri Pravesh Sharma, former MD, SFAC


Managing Diabetes for Healthy Ageing: An Integrated Approach

01 February 2025, 04:00 pm
Managing Diabetes for Healthy Ageing: An Integrated Approach
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Panelists: Prof. Naval Vikram, Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi; Dr. A.B. Dey, Director, Venu Geriatric Institute and former Head of Department, Geriatrics, AIIMS; Brig. (Dr.) Poninder Dogra, Medical Director Venu Eye Institute and Research Centre; Dr. Hemanshu Sharma, Academic Director, National Institute of Naturopathy; Ms Sujaya Krishnan, former Joint Secretary for Health

Welcome: Dr. Maria Liberos, Executive Director, Venu Naturopathy Centre

Moderator: Ms Tanuja Joshi, Managing Director, Venue Naturopathy Centre

The conference brings together leading naturopaths, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, and physicians to explore the transformative power of integrated diabetes management with a focus on geriatrics and healthy ageing. |the conference will delve into the synergy between modern medicine and naturopathy, showcasing how combining evidence-based therapies with holistic practices can revolutionize diabetes care, particularly for the elderly.

(Collaboration: Venu Eye Institute)

Book Discussion Group

16 January 2025, 06:00 pm
Book Discussion Group
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Negotiating India’s Landmark Agreement
By Avtar Singh Bhasin (Penguin: 2024)

Discussants: Shri K.N. Shrivastava, Director, IIC; Amb. Harshvardhan Shringla, former Foreign Secretary and Chief Coordinator, India’s G20 Presidency 2023; Shri Shubhajit Roy, Diplomatic Editor, Indian Express; and Shri A.S. Bhasin, former Head of Historical Division, Ministry of External Affairs and author of the book

Chair: Amb. Navtej Sarna, author, historian and former Ambassador to USA

Book Discussion Group

27 December 2024, 06:00 pm
Book Discussion Group
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

I am Shiva: The Power of my Consciousness

By Raj Nehru (Motilal Banarsidass Publications: 2024) 

Discussants: Shri Virendra Qazi, Chairman, Lalleshwari International Trust, New Delhi; Dr. Yogesh Sharma, Associate Professor, Kala Kosa Division, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts; Ms Pallavi Singh, Vice President, Concentrix Delivery Operation, India; Dr. Raj Nehru, Vice Chancellor, Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Haryana and author of the book


Chair: Dr. Karan Singh


20 December 2024, 06:00 pm
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Great Cases series discussion no :7

The Right to Die with Dignity – The Law in Practice

Speakers: Shri Justice Ajay Rastogi, former Judge, Supreme Court of India; Dr. R.K. Mani, Chairman, Critical Care Medicine and Pulmonology, Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital; Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, Professor and Head of Department, Onco-Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative Care; and Shri Parth Sharma, Founder, Nirvarana

 Moderated by Dr. Dhvani Mehta, Co-Founder and Lead, Health, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy


(Collaboration: Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy)




17 December 2024, 06:00 pm
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Agriculture Policy Series 

Can direct cash transfers to farmers instead of subsidies be The Next Big Idea in Agriculture?

Panelists: Prof. Seema Bathla, Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Prof. Brajesh Jha, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Economic Growth; and Ms Shweta Saini, CEO, Arcus Policy Research 

Chair: Shri Siraj Hussain, former Secretary Agriculture, Govt. of India

Moderator: Shri Pravesh Sharma, former MD, SFAC


YouTube linkhttps://youtube.com/live/wdDnMz2MLg4?feature=share