The Discipline of Education in India  - Trajectories and Perspectives

11 December 2023, 09:30 am
The Discipline of Education in India  - Trajectories and Perspectives
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

One-day Conference organised in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. The Conference aims to initiate wider reflection on the discipline of education in the contemporary moment. A new vocabulary of reforms is reframing education and teaching with participation of new actors – global, national, and local, with coalitions of research and advocacy in the policy domain. The session of the Conference are planned to historically situate, and theorise the state and discipline of education with attention to its embeddedness in and relationship with political economy, democracy, nationhood, and culture

Inaugural Session 
Chair: Prof. Nargis Panchapakesan, formerly with University of Delhi

Conference Sessions:
10:00 to 11:30 – Institutional Formations of the Discipline of Education
12:00 to 13:30 – Understanding the Discipline: Political Economy, Market and Culture
14:15 to 15:30 – Language and Inequality: Contradictions of Education

16:00 to 16:55 – Valedictory Session
Valedictory Lecture by Prof. Krishna Kumar, former Director, NCERT - and former Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Delhi

Chair: Ms Beeba Sobti, Modern School, Barakhamba Road

Please click here for detail


20 November 2023, 10:00 am
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Conceptualised by Dr. Ashwani Kumar

From 10:00 to 13:00
Workshop on ‘Assessment of Risk factors & Prevention of Renal Diseases’ 

To be conducted by Dr. (Prof.) Sandeep Mahajan, Department of Nephrology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Suspected cases of renal diseases will be examined for pulse & blood pressure, any past history of renal disorder will be recorded, depending upon the findings, will be advised there and then. If need arises, would be referred to AIIMS, New Delhi for further investigations and management.

Open to IIC members and staff members of IIC


At 16:00
Organ Donation Awareness: Risk Factors & Prevention of Renal Diseases

Facts and Myths about Organ transplant
Speaker: Dr. (Prof.) Virinder Kumar Bansal, Professor of Surgery, Consultant general, Minimal Access, Hepato-pancreatico-biliary and Renal transplant surgeon, Department of Surgical Disciplines, All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Chair: Dr. Ashwani Kumar

Sixteenth lecture in the monthly series of medical presentation on early signs, prevention and management of diseases/conditions in common medical perspectives by eminent medical consultants

The Colonial Constitution

06 October 2023, 06:00 pm
The Colonial Constitution
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

A discussion with Dr. Arghya Sengupta, Founder Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy and author of the recently published book of the same title (Juggernaut: 2023); and Shri Fali S. Nariman, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India

Chair: Shri Shekhar Gupta, Editor-in-Chief, ThePrint

Lest We Forget 

05 October 2023, 05:40 pm
Lest We Forget 
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

By Indira Varma (Westland Books: 2023)

Launch of the book followed by a discussion with

Shri Amitabh Kant, India’s G20 Sherpa; Amb. Pavan K. Varma, author, politician and former diplomat; Lady Kishwar Desai, author and chair, The Partition Museum, Amritsar and Delhi; and Smt Roopy Mathur

(Collaboration: Westland Books)


14 September 2023, 10:00 am
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Conceptualised by Dr. Ashwani Kumar

From 10:00 to 13:00
Workshop on assessment of weight related parameters and health risk

Know your weight and waist to learn whether you have a health risk. Interact with a team of counsellors and professional nutritionists to understand what you can do to reduce your risk and stay healthy. The small groups and one-to-one interactions/demonstrations will provide a unique opportunity to empower yourself with practical tips to deal with the nitty-gritty of
managing your weight.

Open to IIC members and staff members of IIC

At 16:00
Redefining Wellness: Spotlight on Weight Awareness and Action

Speaker: Dr. S.V. Madhu, MD (Med); DM (Endocrinology); FAMS; FRSSDI; FICP, Director Professor, Department. of Endocrinology, Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital

Chair: Dr. Ashwani Kumar

The talk will focus on weight related health risks, and will unmask some of the myths related to weight gain. The talk will also guide individuals on tackling obesity through actionable steps. It will emphasize the “do’s” and “don’ts” in a weight management regime. By making these positive changes, individuals can take charge of their health and contribute to
the fight against obesity.

Intach-IIC National Heritage Quiz 2023

04 September 2023, 09:00 am
Intach-IIC National Heritage Quiz 2023
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Intach-IIC National Heritage Quiz 2023

Delhi and NCR Zonal Final round with school children 

(Collaboration: Heritage Education and Communication Service, INTACH)


09 August 2023, 10:00 am
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Conceptualised by Dr. Ashwani Kumar

From 10:00 to 13:00
Workshop on Common Eye Problems

The workshop will examine common eye problems such as Refraction, Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP), Dry Eyes, Cataract, Glaucoma and Retinopathies

Conducted by a team of doctors, officers, staff members under the supervision of Prof. Jeewan S. Titiyal, Chief. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS, New Delhi

Open to IIC members and staff members of IIC

At 16:00
Diseases of the Thyroid

Speaker: Dr. Nikhil Tandon, MD, PhD, FAMS, FNASc, FNA, Professor and Head, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Chair: Dr. Ashwani Kumar

The thyroid gland, which is located in the neck, plays a dominant role in controlling the body’s metabolism by producing chemicals called Hormones. Thyroid disease can be manifest with either an excess or deficiency of these hormones, or sometimes merely by an increase in size which could be due to conditions such as exposure to long standing iodine deficiency or tumours (including cancers). When the thyroid produces excessive thyroid hormones, the human body uses up energy quickly which can result in weight loss, tremors, rapid heart rate and intolerance to heat, to name a few symptoms. In contrast, when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, the individual can become sluggish, gain weight, and develop dry skin and hair. These and other issues will be discussed 


08 July 2023, 10:00 am
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Conceptualised by Dr. Ashwani Kumar

From 10:00 to 13:00
Workshop on Understanding the Basic and Common Cause of Back Pain

Workshop for IIC Members and staff to be conducted by a team of doctors who will address the most common causes of back pain, how to manage it through intelligently applied exercise-based physiotherapy

Open to IIC members and staff members of IIC

At 16:00
Back Pain: Do’s and Don’ts

Speaker: Dr. Bhavuk Garg, Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Chair: Dr. Ashwani Kumar

Back pain is the second most common condition that affects individuals of all ages, causing discomfort and hindrance to daily activities. It can stem from various causes: muscle strain, herniated discs, and arthritis or spinal deformities. Understanding the underlying factors and appropriate management strategies is crucial for relieving pain and improving the quality of life

Book Discussion Group

21 June 2023, 06:30 pm
Book Discussion Group
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right, 1924-1977

By Abhishek Choudhary (Picador India: 2023)

Discussants: Shri Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament and author; Shri Swapan Dasgupta, author and former Parliamentarian; and Shri Abhishek Choudhary, author of the book

Moderator: Ms Manisha Pande, Executive Editor, Newslaundry


Dialogues in Health and Wellness

10 June 2023, 10:00 am
Dialogues in Health and Wellness
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC

Conceptualised by Dr. Ashwani Kumar
From 10:00 to 13:00
Workshop on Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Technique

(Remedial aspect of cardiac arrest) and use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Workshop and demonstration to Members and staff of IIC to be conducted by a team of doctors. Participants will also be given the opportunity to get a hands-on session of learning the technique of CPR as wellas using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Open to IIC members and staff members of IIC
At 16:00
Wellness Clinic on Prostate Diseases

Urinary symptoms in the elderly, PSA testing and Prostate cancer
Consultant Speaker: Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Professor of Urology and Associate Dean (Academics), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Chair: Dr. Ashwani Kumar
Enlargement of the prostate gland is a very common problem in the elderly men. This can result in problems of passing urine, frequent urination or obstruction to flow of urine. Another common problem is prostate cancer. This lecture will address the causes of these problems, their investigation and line of treatment