Cell Tower and Mobile Radiations - Perceptions, Threats and Solutions

15 September 2014, 05:30 am
Cell Tower and Mobile Radiations - Perceptions, Threats and Solutions
Programme Type
By Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski
An expert in biological / health effects of mobile phone radiation and one of the experts of International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) involved in classification of cell phone radiation carcinogenicity. He is also the Chief Editor of 'Frontiers in Radiation and Health' and an Adjunct Professor, Dept. Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Helsinki University, Finland. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of Cellraid.
On Monday, 15th September 2014 at 6.30 pm  in Seminar Halls 2 and 3 (Kamaladevi Complex), Main IIC, 40 Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003
Every week, there are media reports in India on the issue of Electromagnetic Radiations from Mobile Transmission Towers and Mobile Phones being harmful to human health and constant exposure to them causing Cancer, etc. We also come across articles presenting a completely different side of the story, which say that there is no conclusive evidence on any harm to health from these Radiations. This creates a lot of confusion in the minds of people as they don't know what to believe. Much more clarity is required on this subject.
Due to the mounting concern about the possibility of adverse health effects resulting from exposure to wireless communication devices like cell phones and towers in the World, a Working Group of 31 scientists and experts from 14 countries was formed in 2011 and they met to assess the potential health hazards from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. In May 2011, based on the data and studies presented by these scientists, The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization (WHO) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.

Gandhiji: And His Idea of India

30 September 2014, 05:30 am
Gandhiji: And His Idea of India
Programme Type
Panelists: Dr. Sudarshan Iyengar, Mr. Pavan Varma, Mr. Niyaz Laiq and Ms Sanchaita Gajapati 
Moderator : Shri B G Verghese 
Followed by 
 By Radhika Chopra  

World Heart Day 2014 - CANCELLED

29 September 2014, 05:30 am
World Heart Day 2014 - CANCELLED
Programme Type


A Life – Course Approach to the Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Disease 


27 September 2014, 05:30 am
Programme Type
Illustrated lecture by Dr. G. Areendran, Director-Indira Gandhi  Monitoring Conservation Centre, WWF India

The talk will cover the mapping of India's Wetlands, Forest Cover and much more

1857 Ki Kahani Haryana Ki Zubani (81 min)

26 September 2014, 05:30 am
1857 Ki Kahani Haryana Ki Zubani (81 min)
Programme Type


Presented by CEVA Drama Repertory Company, Chandigarh and Swangies – traditional folk performers of Haryana
Directed by G.S. Chani
Using the conventions of Swang Theatre, the play takes a closer look at the events of the 1857 mutiny and the participation of ordinary people in the first freedom struggle and the role of village women in the struggle


25 September 2014, 05:30 am
Programme Type
Poetry, Peace and War
By  Prof. Harish Trivedi, University of Delhi
Chair: Dr. H K Kaul

Begum Akhtar Centenary Concert

25 September 2014, 05:30 am
Begum Akhtar Centenary Concert
Programme Type
Rekha Surya, the youngest shaagird of Begum Akhtar will present a concert of ghazal, dadra and  sufiana kalaam
With the support of Tata Services 

In the Footsteps of Afanasii Nikitin: Travels through Eurasia and India at the beginning of the 21st Century

24 September 2014, 05:30 am
In the Footsteps of Afanasii Nikitin: Travels through Eurasia and India at the beginning of the 21st Century
Programme Type
An Illustrated lecture by Dr. Hari Vasudevan, author of the book, In the Footsteps of Afanasii  Nikitin  (New Delhi; Manohar; 2014) 

Chair: Shri Ajay Malhotra, Former Indian Ambassador to Russia
Followed by a discussion

Veer, Bhakti, Sringaar: An Evening of Kuchipudi Dance

24 September 2014, 05:30 am
Veer, Bhakti, Sringaar: An Evening of Kuchipudi Dance
Programme Type
By Vanashree Rao from Delhi
A tribute to her gurus Shri Krishna Kumar, Shri  Jayarama Rao, Dr. Vempati Chinna Satyam, Guru Nataraja Ramakrishna 

Movement…Essence of Life

24 September 2014, 05:30 am
Movement…Essence of Life
An exhibition of sculptures
By Usha Ramachandran from Trivandrum
Inauguration by Shri K.S. Radhakrishnan on 23 September 2014 at 18:30