Serpent Motifs in the Ritual Art Motifs of the West Coast - In Myths, Legends and Folklore

19 December 2012, 05:30 am
Serpent Motifs in the Ritual Art Motifs of the West Coast - In Myths, Legends and Folklore
Programme Type
Illustrated lecture by Shri Balan Nambiar, well-known artist
The snake motif has influenced poetry, philosophy, performing arts, painting, sculpture and ornament among every ethnic group down the centuries throughout the world. Referring to these motifs in legend and folklore from an artist's point of view, the speaker will share what he has observed of the systems and rituals of snake worship in Kerala and Tulunadu in Karnataka. A peculiarity of this region is the practice of Vedic as well as pre-Aryan rituals. While subsuming influences from different religions, the ethnic culture has remained intact, and there is vigorous participation by every age group, caste and class

The Poetry Society Annual Lecture

19 December 2012, 05:30 am
The Poetry Society Annual Lecture
Programme Type
Failure of Poetry
Speaker: Shri Ashok Vajpeyi, well-known poet, and former Chairperson, Lalit Kala Akadem

"˜"¦leaves cling to rain'

19 December 2012, 05:30 am
"˜"¦leaves cling to rain'
An exhibition of works in brush and calligraphic ink-and-wash
By Malavika Karlekar


18 December 2012, 05:30 am
Programme Type

Imagining Our Time
Speaker: Dr. Suresh Sharma; Shri K. Satchidanandan; Dr. Ananya Vajpeyi and Ms. Pooja Sood

Moderator: Shri Ashok Vajpeyi, Executive Trustee, Raza Foundation

Book Discussion Group

18 December 2012, 05:30 am
Book Discussion Group
Programme Type

Shri Jaswant Singh, M.P.; Prof Mushirul Hasan, Director General, National Archives of India; and Prof Savita Pande, Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Studies, JNU, will discuss Jinnah vs. Gandhi by Roderick Matthews (Gurgaon: Hachette, 2012)

Chair: Shri Swapan Dasgupta, senior journalist

Hindustani Vocal Recital

17 December 2012, 05:30 am
Hindustani Vocal Recital
Programme Type
By Hema Upasani from Mumbai, disciple of Pt. Nath Neralkar and Pt. Raghunath Seth

Chopta: A Blessed Country

15 December 2012, 05:30 am
Chopta: A Blessed Country
Programme Type
Illustrated lecture by Shri Sharad Khanna, amateur photographer and adventurer, and Founder of Indian Wildlife Adventures

Issues of Governance in Infrastructure Development - Roads and Railways

15 December 2012, 05:30 am
Issues of Governance in Infrastructure Development - Roads and Railways
Programme Type

Introduction: Shri Prabhat Kumar, former Cabinet Secretary

Panelists: Shri Vinay Mittal, Chairperson, Railway Board; and Shri A.K. Upadhyay, Secretary, Road Transport and Highways

Chair: Shri B.C. Chaturvedi, Member, Planning Commission

The Soopa Shastra of Mangarasa III

15 December 2012, 05:30 am
The Soopa Shastra of Mangarasa III
Programme Type

Speaker: Shri N.P. Bhatt, IRS (retd.), Convener, INTACH, Dharwad Chapter

A talk on the culinary traditions of medieval Karnataka based on the Soopa Shastra which was compiled by King Mangarasa III in the 15th-16th century. Originally written in verse, this treatise was transcribed from manuscripts and rendered into prose, and has now been translated into English. Not confined to cooking alone, it traces the origins of the recipes, discusses the philosophy of eating, and contains anecdotal details of lore