Mid-Year Review of the Indian Economy 2012-13

27 October 2012, 05:30 am
Mid-Year Review of the Indian Economy 2012-13
Programme Type

10.00 am     Welcome

                    Dr. Kavita A. Sharma, Director, IIC


10.05 am   Introduction to Chair, Speakers and the Review

                   Dr. Shekhar Shah, Director-General, NCAER


10.10 am     Opening remarks by Chair

                    Dr. Bimal Jalan, Former RBI Governor and ex-

                    President NCAER Governing Body


10.20 am   The Mid-Year Review of the Indian Economy

                   Dr. Shashanka Bhide, Senior Research

                   Counselor,  NCAER


10.45 am   Industry: Not Doing Business in Recent Times

                   Dr. B.N. Goldar, Professor, Institute of Economic     



11.10 am  Agriculture : In Search of the Second Green


                  Dr. Anil Sharma, Senior Fellow, NCAER


11.35 am  Tea Break


12.00 noon  Comments by Invited Experts

                    Dr. Sudipto Mundle, Member, National Statistical 

                    Commission and  Emeritus  Professor, NIPFP


                     Dr. Rana Hasan, Principal Economist, Asian 

                     Development Bank


12.30 pm     General Discussion


1.15 pm       Closing remarks by the Chair

                      Dr. Bimal Jalan


1.25 pm        Vote of Thanks





Curating Intangible Cultural Heritage

26 October 2012, 05:30 am
Curating Intangible Cultural Heritage
Programme Type

Speakers: Ms Monique La Fontaine and Ms Sharmila Wood, curators at FORM, a cultural organization in Perth

Chair: Ms Ritu Sethi, Chairperson, Craft Revival Trust

The talk will focus on two projects, "Ngurra Kuju Walyja"”One Country One People: The Canning Stock Route Project" and "Digitizing Traditional Knowledge Systems", the Fortescue River project

The Nine Months

26 October 2012, 05:30 am
The Nine Months

(77 min; 2010; dvd; Assamese with English subtitles)
Director: Merajur Rahman Baruah

Second Best Film Award, Jeevika - Asia Livelihood Documentary Film Festival 2010

A film on the Mobile Theatre of Assam which visits towns and villages carrying tents, stage equipment, generators and even its own auditoria, and performs for 210 nights without a break

The film will be introduced by the filmmaker, and the screening will be followed by a discussion

Sarod Recital

25 October 2012, 05:30 am
Sarod Recital
Programme Type
By Ayaan Ali Khan, son and disciple of Ustad Amjad Ali Khan


24 October 2012, 05:30 am
Programme Type

Day of Mindfulness
With monks, nuns and lay teachers in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Includes sitting, walking and eating meditation, deep relaxation and other mindfulness practices. There will be a special programme for children above six years

Please bring a packed lunch, water and a mat, and register at ahimsatrust@gmail.com or call Charu at 9873226869

O Friend, This Waiting!

23 October 2012, 05:30 am
O Friend, This Waiting!

(32 min; 2012; dvd; English and with subtitles)
Directors: Sandhya Kumar and Justin McCarthy

A song that is full of love and yet earthy is the padam of Kshetrayya, a wandering poet-musician who wrote padams in Telugu in the 17th century, which were performed by the devadasi dancers who rose to prominence in the Nayaka courts. The film reflects on the entwined fortunes of the padams and the women they were written for, from the 17th to the 20th century

The film will be introduced by the filmmakers, and the screening will be followed by a discussion

India and New Zealand in a Rising Asia: Issues and Perspectives

22 October 2012, 05:30 am
India and New Zealand in a Rising Asia: Issues and Perspectives
Programme Type

Discussion around the new book edited by Prof Man Mohini Kaul, School of International Studies, JNU and Dr Vibhanshu Shekhar, ICWA

Introductory remarks by editors and by contributor Ms Ruth Rhea Khan, JNU

Panelists: Dr Sanjaya Baru, Director for Geo-economics and Strategy, IISS; Ambassador Rajiv Sikri, former Secretary, MEA; Prof Swaran Singh, School of International Studies, JNU

Chair: Admiral Sureesh Mehta, former High Commissioner to New Zealand (tbc)


22 October 2012, 05:30 am
Programme Type

G.P. and Journalism
Speakers: Shri N. Ram, former Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu; and Shri V.S. Chandrashekar, Executive Editor, PTI

Chair: Shri Inder Malhotra, senior journalist

Hindustani Vocal Recital

22 October 2012, 05:30 am
Hindustani Vocal Recital
Programme Type
By Chetna Banawat from Tonk, Rajasthan, disciple of Dr. Prabha Atre