Bhoomi 2012: Women in Defence of the Earth

01 October 2012, 05:30 am
Bhoomi 2012: Women in Defence of the Earth
Programme Type

Celebrating 25 years of Navdanya

10:00 Earth celebration songs by schoolchildren
10:15 Lamp lighting
10:20 Film by Tadpole Artists' Collective on 25 years of Navdanya                                                   
10:30     Women in Defence of the Earth
              Honouring Earth Defenders Jean Grossholtz, Bimla Bahuguna and Radha Bhatt
12:30     Celebrating 25 years of Seed Sovereignty: Bija Swaraj
              Release of Global Report on Seed Freedom
14:30 Street play by The Players

15:00      Screening of Amrit Beej by Meera Dewan 
16:00     Celebrating 50 years of Silent Spring
 Release of Poison in our Food
18:30 Recital by Parvathy Baul

Speakers: Vandana Shiva, Radha Bhatt, Frances M. Lappé, Winona Laduke, Ivonne Baki, Maria Grazia Mammuccini, Caroline Lockhart, Kusum Panigrahi, Farida Akhtar, Sarita Kumari, Ilina Sen, Anna Powar, Nalini Gite, Rachna Dhingra, Mira Shiva, Vaibhav Singh & Debbie Barker

The Auroville Festival

16 September 2012, 05:30 am
The Auroville Festival
Programme Type

Auroville Talks

Talks on "City of the Future"; "Remembering the Future Gardens"; "Is there an Economy beyond Money?"; "A Site of Material and Spiritual Researches;" "An Education for Self-finding"; "Towards Integral Healing" and "Garbology 101"

The Auroville Festival

15 September 2012, 05:30 am
The Auroville Festival
Programme Type

Seminar: Auroville: City for Transformation

Inaugural address: Dr Karan Singh

Guest Speaker: Smt Ambika Soni

Keynote Address by Dr Kapila Vatsyayan, Shri Soli Sorabjee and Mr Shigeru Aoyagi

12:00-13:00 Round Table

14:10-15:30 Session on "World in Transition and Auroville"

15:30-16:30 Session on "Sustainable and Ecological Living"

To participate e-mail

Open Frame 2012

11 September 2012, 05:30 am
Open Frame 2012
Programme Type
10:00 Film Appreciation Workshop II (register at
Prof Suresh Chabria, FTII, will explain cinematic narration and mise en scène
14:00 Free and Compulsory (52 min; 2012)
Director: Malati Rao
15:30 Another Poverty Film (26 min; 2012)
Director: Fathima Nizaruddin
16:15 All about our Famila (52 min; 2012)
Director: Chalam Bennurkar
17:45 Night Hawks (52 min; 2012)
Director: Umadevi N. Tanuku
19:15 Mann Faqeeri (52 min; 2012)
Director: M.K. Raina

Open Frame 2012: A Festival of Films

07 September 2012, 05:30 am
Open Frame 2012: A Festival of Films
Programme Type

Screenings of award-winning documentaries followed by discussion with directors, and film-appreciation workshops. Film synopses at

Friday 7    
The Politics of Freedom
10:00 Whistles and Bullets (54 min; 2012)
Director: Devi Prasad Mishra
11:30 Freedom Song (52 min; 2012)
Directors: Paranjoy Guha Thakurta & Subi Chaturvedi
Discussion moderated by Subasri Krishnan

14:00 Gaur in my Garden (26 min; 2012)
Director: Rita Banerji
14:45 Light on the Dark Side (26 min; 2012)
Directors: Geeta & Avinash Kumar Singh    
15:30 Nirnay (Decision) (56 min; 2012)
Directors: Pushpa Rawat & Anupama Srinivasan
17:00 Much Ado about Knotting (52 min; 2012)
Directors: Geetika Narang Abbasi & Anandana Kapur
18:30 A Farmer from Kuttanad (52 min; 2012)
Director: Santosh Sivan
Discussion moderated by Akanksha Joshi      


The Auroville Festival: City for Transformation

14 September 2012, 05:30 am
The Auroville Festival: City for Transformation
Programme Type

Multipurpose Hall at 17:00

Opening of the Festival

Welcome Address: Dr Karan Singh, M.P., Rajya Sabha

Chief Guest: Kumari Selja


Art Gallery at 18:30

Inauguration of Transformation

Exhibition curated by Sebastian Cortes

Special Guest: Kumari Selja

On view 11:00-19:00 till Friday 21


Multipurpose Hall at 19:00

Film: City of the Dawn


03 September 2012, 05:30 am
Lourdes: Nothing Tests Faith more than a Miracle
(95 min; 2010; dvd; English & with subtitles)
Director: Jessica Hausner
A young woman wheelchair-bound by multiple sclerosis joins a pilgrimage to Lourdes in the Pyrenees where people go to seek miracle cures. There is neither dismissal of faith healing, nor facile answers to questions about suffering in this film, praised for its balancing of irony and sensitivity

Capital Visions: From the Imagined to the Real

29 September 2012, 05:30 am
Capital Visions: From the Imagined to the Real

Speakers: Dr David Headon, former Director, Centre for Australian Cultural Studies, Canberra; and Prof Christopher Vernon, University of Western Australia

Planned as capital cities within years of each other, New Delhi and Canberra embody the vision of the British Empire at its peak. Hundred years on, we revisit the conception of these cities and reflect on their complex mutations

The Last Show on Earth

29 September 2012, 05:30 am
The Last Show on Earth

(102 min; 1992; dvd)
Director: Philip Cayford

The story of extinction on a global scale, from South Dakota's buffalo herds to snake stalls in Taiwan. Philip Cayford interviews conservationists and observes illegal traffickers to bring out the root causes of extinction"”loss of habitat, overpopulation and greed"”even as the film celebrates individual efforts to save species. A visual and musical tour de force, it is narrated by Kenneth Branagh with music by Elton John and David Gilmour