11:00 am
The Contemporary Frame: A Festival of Films
The Secret in their Eyes (El secreto de sus ojos; Argentina)
(129 min; 2009; dvd; English subtitles)
Director: Juan José Campanella
2:00 pm
Footnote (Hearat shulayim; Israel)
(103 min; 2011; dvd; English subtitles)
Director: Joseph Cedar
4:00 pm
The Bad Intentions (Las Malas Intenciones; Peru)
(110 min; 2011; dvd; English subtitles)
Director: Rosario Garcia-Montero
5:00 pm
IIC Quarterly Release: Autumn
Edited by Omita Goyal
To be released by Shri Soli J. Sorabjee, President IIC
Venue: Gandhi-King Plaza
6:30 pm
East-West Intercultural Adventures in Music
Presented by the Kepera Trio from The Netherlands - Rembrandt Frerichs (grand piano, shruti box); Tony Overwater (upright bass); and Vinsent Planjer (drums, tombak)
With Yoram Lachisch from Israel (oboe, English horn, zurna, shenai)
8:00 pm
Food Festival: Chef Vijay's Continental Cuisine (ONLY FOR IIC MEMBERS)
9:00 pm
The Contemporary Frame: A Festival of Films
Film to be announced