08 April 2011, 05:30 am
Programme Type

Portrait of Jazz: Musicians in India

An Illustrated lecture by Astri Ghosh, journalist and translator


Chair: Prof. Sambuddha Sen


The lecture traces the story of ninety years of Jazz in India through interviews with Indian jazz musicians; from the Jazz and Hot Dance played at the Grand Hotel in Calcutta in the twenties; Goan bands and fusion music of Bombay films; to the music played at clubs, yatras and utsavs today

Taking Success to a New Dimension

08 April 2011, 05:30 am
Taking Success to a New Dimension
Programme Type

Workshop conducted by Prabhaav


Chief Guest: Smt Sushma Seth, well-known theatre and film personality

Roma Day 2011

07 April 2011, 05:30 am
Roma Day 2011

When the Road Bends: Tales of a Gypsy Caravan (111 min; 2006; dvd; USA/UK/Netherlands)

Director: Jasmine Dellal

The film will be introduced by Dr. Punita Singh, writer and musicologist


Screening to be followed by a discussion


This film covers a North-American concert tour by five international Roma groups, interleaving performances and interaction on the road with visits to the musicians' homes in India, Macedonia, Romania and Spain


06 April 2011, 05:30 am
Programme Type

The Sea as Seen from the Land that Surrounds us - The Symbolic Value of the Island in Western Literature                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Speaker: Prof. José Eduardo Reis, Associate Professor, The University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal


Kathak Recital

06 April 2011, 05:30 am
Kathak Recital
Programme Type

By Leena Malakar from Delhi, disciple of Guru Nandini Singh

Spiti: Daughter of the Sea

06 April 2011, 05:30 am
Spiti: Daughter of the Sea

An exhibition of photographs by Idris Ahmed from Delhi


Opening on Tuesday, 5th April at 18:30


Captured with skilful synergy, the exhibition is as much a personal journey of self discovery, as a loving tribute to the Spirit of Spiti - she who rose from the depths of the sea floor to claim her place on the roof of the world


Following the inauguration, there will be a lecture in the Annexe Auditorium from 19:00 onwards on:


Spiti Through Legend and Lore

An illustrated lecture by Kishore Thukral, photographer and researcher who has worked extensively in the Western Himalaya and is the founder of Dhangkar Initiative, an ongoing project that aims to link the restoration of the ancient Dhangkar monastery in Spiti with a livelihood generation programme for the local community


The lecture will present an exploration of the hidden valley, discovering en route its uniqueness and exoticism through its legends and folklore

The Change Agents: Innovative Indian Organisations

05 April 2011, 05:30 am
The Change Agents: Innovative Indian Organisations
Programme Type

Genpact's Success Story of Systematically Tackling Social, Logistics and Human Resource Issues that Succeeded in Introducing BPO Services for the First Time

Speaker: Shri Harpreet Duggal, Head, India Business for Genpact


Chair: Dr. Sourabh Srivastava, Chairman, Computer Associates India


First in a new interactive series organized in collaboration with EMI Institutions and the Indian Express which presents select Indian organizations that have significantly contributed to various sectors of social and economic development by adopting innovative approaches

The European Union, Global Governance and Social Justice

05 April 2011, 05:30 am
The European Union, Global Governance and Social Justice
Programme Type

Speaker: Ms. Zita Gurmai, MEP, Mr. Jesus Caldera, MP (Spain) and Dr. Ernst Stetter, Secretary General, FEPS

Chair: Cmdre C Uday Bhaskar, Director, National Maritime Foundation

"The Way of Tea" - Japanese Tea Ceremony

02 April 2011, 05:30 am
"The Way of Tea" - Japanese Tea Ceremony
Programme Type

Lecture with live demonstration by Søren Michael Christian Bisgaard


An intimate affair, the Japanese tea ceremony (Chado or Sado) is a traditional ritual influenced by Zen Buddhism. Powdered green tea or macha is ceremonially prepared with minimum of movements by a skilled practitioner and served to a small group of guests in a tranquil setting

The Enlarged EU and the East Asian Reginal Collaborations - Reconciliation with the Enemies and Allience with the US

23 March 2011, 05:30 am
The Enlarged EU and the East Asian Reginal Collaborations - Reconciliation with the Enemies and Allience with the US
Programme Type

Speaker: Professor Kumiko Haba, Professor of International Politics, School of International Politics, Economics and Communications, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo; Director of the European Institute and Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union

Chair: Shri Arujun Asrani, former Indian Ambassador to Japan