Broken Memory, Shining Dust (34 min; 2011; dvd)
Director: Nilosree Biswas
Broken Memory, Shining Dust is a humble and honest attempt to depict the extraordinary journey of Kashmiri women from loss, separation, pain, anger, helplessness to hope, faith, grit and determination thrown up by tragedies and the circumstances around them. The film is about "˜women in wait' for their loved ones who have gone missing in the conflict-ridden valley of Kashmir in the last two decades. Woven around the life of Parveena Ahanger, a Kashmiri mother, and other such women, the narrative of the film interweaves their memories of loss, pain, struggle, separation vented cathartically that have formed into a resistance movement which in practicality revives their hope of tracing a clue about their missing family members. The film embarks on a narrative to share and sense their lives as they are now and were in the past, revealing hours and days of endless wait, grief, anger, resilience, devotion, resistance combined in a blanket of sisterhood and spirituality that has sprung from the time and space shared by these women.
Followed by a discussion with the filmmaker