Films on Spirituality and Faith

06 July 2011, 05:30 am
Films on Spirituality and Faith

The Buddha (120 min; dvd; English)
Director: David Grubin

Narrated by Richard Gere

The Buddha draws upon paintings and sculptures across two millennia as well as scenes in India today that echo the Buddha's world of long ago. The testimony of contemporary Buddhists, including Pulitzer Prize winning poet, W.S Merwin and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, provide insight into the ancient narrative

Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

28 June 2011, 05:30 am
Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

Curated and introduced by Dr. R.P. Jain

La Fille Mal Gardee ( 96 min; dvd.)

Ballet with music by Frdinand Herold

Music freely adapted and conducted by John Lanchbery with Lesley Collier, Michael Coleman, Brian Shaw Choreography: Frederick Ashton

Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

24 June 2011, 05:30 am
Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

Curated  and introduced by Dr. R.P. Jain

Madama Butterfly (145 min; dvd.)

Music: Giacomo Puccini

With Mirela Freni, Placido Domingo, Christa Ludwig

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor : Herbert von Karajan

Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

10 June 2011, 05:30 am
Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

Curated and introduced by Dr. R.P. Jain

Gustav Mahler - Kindertotenlieder

(songs on the death of children; 31 min; dvd)

With Thomas Hampson (baritone); Lucia Popp (soprano); Walton Groenroos (baritone); Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Leonard Bernstein

Gustav Mahler - Symphony

No.1 `The Titan' (55 min; dvd)

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Leonard Bernstein


The Change Agents: Innovative Indian Organisations Keggfarms

09 June 2011, 05:30 am
The Change Agents: Innovative Indian Organisations Keggfarms
Programme Type

Speaker:Shri Vinod S. Kapur, Founding Chairman, Keggfarms

Chair: Ms Agatha Sangma, Minister for State for Rural Development

Enabling lakhs of disadvantaged rural households to earn supplementary income as micro-entrepreneurs in a poultry production and marketing chain based on high yielding poultry birds developed to thrive in the harsh conditions of the Indian country side


08 June 2011, 05:30 am
Programme Type

Greek Drama and the Beginnings of Opera
Illustrated lecture by Dr. R. P. Jain, musicologist

Introduction: Shri Sunit Tandon

The lecture traces the history of operas from its early beginnings at the end of the 16th century, when some intellectuals and nobles met in Florence who fired by the ideas of the Renaissance endeavoured to revive Greek drama. Its development over the centuries from classical traditions as themes to becoming more personal dramas in the 18th century; the use of literary texts and national elements of different countries in the 19th ; and a return to composers using Greek mythology as themes in the 20th century

An Odyssey in War and Peace

06 June 2011, 05:30 am
An Odyssey in War and Peace
Programme Type

An autobiography by Lt. Gen. (Retd.) J.F.R. Jacob


Lt. Gen. Jacob will speak about his recently published autobiography and will be in conversation


Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

06 June 2011, 05:30 am
Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

Curated and introduced by Dr. R.P. Jain


Salome (101 min; dvd)                                                                                                                                                                  

 Music: Richard Strauss                                                                                                                                                                    

 With Teresa Stratas, Astrid Varnay,

Hans Beirer                                                                                                                                Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra                                                                                                                                        

 Conductor: Karl Bohm

Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

06 June 2011, 05:30 am
Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

Summer Delights - A Festival of Opera, Ballet and Concert Films

Curated and introduced by Dr. R.P. Jain


Salome (101 min;


 Music; Richard Strauss with   Teresa Stratas, Astrid Varnay, Hans    Beirer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra                                                                                                                                          

Conductor: Karl Bohm