As per the Election Bye-Laws:
Para 1. (a) There shall be an Election Committee consisting of (1) President, Board of Trustees, (2) a Life Trustee, (3) Director, and (4) Secretary. The President, Board of Trustees shall be the Chairman of the Election Committee;
(b) The Election Committee shall supervise all the Elections under the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Centre directly through Poll officials/Observers/Scrutinizers appointed for the purpose by the Chairman of the Election Committee.
2. In accordance with the Election Bye-Laws the Election Committee constituted for Elections to the BoT and EC for April 2021 – March 2023 is as follows:
a) Shri N.N. Vohra, President Chairman
b) Shri Shyam Saran, Life Trustee Member
c) Shri K.N. Shrivastava, Director Member
d) Shri Kanwal Wali, Secretary Member
3. For Information.
Kanwal Wali