05 May 2012, 05:30 am
Bahadur: The Accidental Brave 

Bahadur: The Accidental Brave 

(54 min; dvd; 2011; English)
Director: Aditya Seth

Labour migration to India has traditionally been an important economic resource for Nepalese households. Migrant workers in Mumbai are prone to high-risk sexual behaviour because of the freedom and the access to intoxicants and sex-workers. Many contract HIV and infect their spouses when they return, and their children are born with HIV. Far west Nepal is reeling under a micro-epidemic with the notorious name, "˜Mumbaiyya rog'. The documentary is an in-depth look into the "˜Bahadur' (brave) Nepalese migrant's life, his struggle for survival, and his helplessness to improve his lot in the socio-economic and political context. 

Followed by a discussion with the film-maker, initiated by Mrs Anjali Gopalan, Executive Director, the Naz Foundation