03 August 2012, 05:30 am
Programme Type

Grey Matters

Dr Rakesh K. Chadda, President, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry; Dr (Brig) Sudarsanan, former Head of Psychiatry, Armed Forces Medical College; and Dr Pulkit Sharma, Clinical Psychologist, VIMHANS Hospital, discuss The Tell-Tale Brain by V.S. Ramachandran (2010); The Woman who Changed her Brain by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young (2012); and Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman (2011).
Authors Arrowsmith-Young and Eagleman will take part in the discussion online

Chair: Dr Shayama Chona, President, Tamana

Discussion of three books, examining what mental disorders reveal about the brain's delicate equilibrium with the environment; narrating how a woman challenged by logic and language as a child devised mental exercises to rewire her brain (the Arrowsmith programme); and exploring the role of the unconscious in assembling a coherent picture of reality and in our moral conduct