03 September 2024, 07:00 pm
Chalo Faqiran de Mele
Programme Type
C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, IIC main building

An evening of the Punjabi poetry 
Recited and sung by Rekha Raj, Shumita Didi and Poonam Singh

Conceptualised by Reena Nanda

Chalo Faqiran de Mele attempts to revive interest in the Punjabi language through its rich literary heritage. Guru Nanak Dev is revered as the founder of the Sikh religion and his teachings in the Guru Granth Sahib are in the form of the poetical Shabads set to specific ragas. Not just a holy book, it is one of the greatest works of literature that also includes 14 other Sants of the Bhakti tradition like Kabir. Among them, Baba Farid is the only Muslim of the Chishti Sufi silsila. Bulleh Shah and Shah Husayn hugely popularised by Nusrat Fateh Ali and Abida Parveen composed in Panjabi and called themselves Faqirs, not beggars but humble disciples of their particular Murshid/Guru. They recited and sang their poems amongst the populance at large who have kept this oral tradition alive, that, today, constitutes a large body of Punjabi literature.