13 December 2023, 06:30 pm
The Changing Face of Media 
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts
Conference Room I, IIC main building

Panelists: Sukumar Muralidharan, columnist and journalist educator; R. Srinivasan, columnist and former Editor, The Hindu Business Line; Sanjay Kapoor, Editor, Hardnews; Suhas Borker, independent filmmaker, Convenor, Jan Prasar and Trustee, IIC; Poornima Joshi, Political Editor and Chief of Bureau, Hindu Business Line; and Bharat Bhushan, South Asia Editor, 360info

Moderator: Anant Nath, Editor, Caravan

We live in times when media ownership has become corporatised, the role of the editor has changed beyond recognition, media is unable to hold the State to account, its access to the government and legislature has shrunk, investigative journalism seems to have become extinct and the threat to both journalism and journalists has increased. At a time of low trust in news and widespread misinformation, how does one understand the changes taking place in the media? This dialogue with media practitioners on the subject will examine what can be done and what needs to be done.

Programme organised as part of the IIC’s Sectoral Programme Group on Media