08 May 2012, 05:30 am
Disappearing Sparrow?
Programme Type

"Disappearing Sparrows"

The common sparrow, which was ubiquitously seen in our cities, is now increasingly rare. One could not open a door leading to a garden without a sparrow instantly flying into the room. Alongside, over the years, the absence of common bird species has become increasingly noticeable. Does the 'loss' of this and other birds we once took for granted, a sign of other changes in our environment? 

Toxics Link invites you to the film screening and panel discussion in an attempt to understand this question. The film "Beyond The Mirage" directed by Nutan Manmohan, (produced by PSBT), examines the ensuring battle for food and habitat in Delhi's among the small and big birds that throng the city and documents the predicament of smaller birds, like sparrows, which are fast loosing this war against bigger predators.



Beyond the Mirage, a film by Nutan Manmohan (19"¦., duration "¦. mins)

Panel discussion:


·      Dr. Surya Prakash

(School of Life Sciences, JNU

Member of BNHS, Delhibirds, ButterflyIndia and Indian Wildlife Club)


·      Dr. Koustubh Sharma

(Senior Regional Ecologist-Snow Leopard Trust,

Research Associate, Nature Conservation Foundation &

Co-investigator, BNHS-Citizen Sparrow Foundation)

Moderated by Ravi Agarwal, (Director, Toxics Link)