Are Today’s Crises Catastrophic Enough for Neoclassical Economists and Neoliberal Politicians to Change their Minesets?
Speaker: Dr. Ashok Khosla, eminent environmentalist and Founder, Development Alternatives
Introduction: Prof. Nitya Nanda, Director, Council for Social Development
Remarks: Prof. Muchkund Dubey, President, Council for Social Development
Historically, deep structural change in society has originated either from charisma or from crisis. Since charismatic leaders seem to arise only once in several hundred years, for most transformative change we have to depend on crises. The crises of today are the life-threatening products of grossly flawed intellectual and ethical choices that we have made in our search for “development” over the past few centuries – particularly during recent decades…Despite the mindsets of those who make decisions at the highest levels, with their interests so deeply vested in the status quo, it is now a matter of civilizational, human and planetary survival that we urgently and fundamentally change, and in many cases turn upside down, the assumptions and practices of both the “science” and praxis of economics.
(Collaboration: Council for Social Development)
15 July 2020, 05:30 pm
Programme Type