29 February 2024, 06:30 pm
Environment and Health Public Lecture
Programme Type
Conference Room I, IIC main building

India’s E.V. Transition

Driving towards a Greener Future: Assessing the Environmental Benefits and Challenges of Electric Vehicles

Speakers: Shri Prashant K. Banerjee, Chief Executive Director, Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM); and Shri Subhomoy Bhattacharjee, Consulting Editor, The Business Standard

Moderator: Shri Satish Sinha, Associate Director, Toxics Link

Looking at the positive environmental impacts of EVs, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, while also addressing potential challenges and considerations, such as battery production and disposal, energy sources for charging, and infrastructure development. Thus, it provides a comprehensive view of the environmental implications of EV adoption, guiding us towards informed decision-making and strategic planning for a more sustainable future


(Collaboration: Toxics Link)