29 November 2012, 05:30 am
Environment and Health Public Lecture Series
Programme Type

The Smog in Delhi: Causes and Concerns

Speakers: Dr. M.P. George, Scientist - D, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC); Ms Anumita Roy Choudhary, Executive Director-General & Advocacy, Centre for Science & Environment; and Dr. S.K. Chhabra, Head, Department of Cardiorespiratory Physiology, Patel Chest Institute, New Delhi

Moderator: Shri Ravi Agarwal, Director, Toxics Link

The Smog in Delhi: Causes and Concerns

With the onset of winter, each year, like this one, the city is enveloped in smog. This dense air is loaded with toxic particulate matter, chemicals and heavy metals. As the colder air is unable to circulate and stays close to the ground, the pollutants become trapped. O days when there is an absence of wind, the smog gathers and stays.

This year, as per the recent data, the levels of particulate matter have scaled new heights, crossing 1,000 microgram/m3 (ųg/m3) at some locations against the standard 100 microgram/m3. Experts attribute the rise in smog to the massive increase in the number of vehicles as well as other sources.

What is the future of this, and should we be concerned about our health? Will the city ever have breathable air, and what is needed for that to happen?