03 September 2012, 05:30 am
Lourdes: Nothing Tests Faith more than a Miracle
(95 min; 2010; dvd; English & with subtitles)
Director: Jessica Hausner
A young woman wheelchair-bound by multiple sclerosis joins a pilgrimage to Lourdes in the Pyrenees where people go to seek miracle cures. There is neither dismissal of faith healing, nor facile answers to questions about suffering in this film, praised for its balancing of irony and sensitivity
(95 min; 2010; dvd; English & with subtitles)
Director: Jessica Hausner
A young woman wheelchair-bound by multiple sclerosis joins a pilgrimage to Lourdes in the Pyrenees where people go to seek miracle cures. There is neither dismissal of faith healing, nor facile answers to questions about suffering in this film, praised for its balancing of irony and sensitivity