26 June 2023, 06:30 pm
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions
C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, IIC main building

(97 min; 2021; Spanish with English subtitles)

Director: Horacio Alcalá


In a small town outside of Oaxaca lives a group of Muxes, third gender and non-binary people, who make a living sewing and looking after their elders. Parallel to this, fashion designers in Spain plot a plan to appropriate the traditional dresses that the Muxes create. The film follows the highs and the lows of the Muxes, indulging in their intoxicating 'velas' and grieving their lost loves, all in the beautiful setting of rural Mexico. As tragedy strikes, the importance of kinship and chosen family is reverberated across the town.

India International Centre is in collaboration with the Embassy of Mexico.