29 March 2022, 06:30 pm
Programme Type
Conference Room I, IIC main building


Chinese Porcelain in India

Illustrated lecture by Dr. Aparajita Sharma, Assistant Archeologist, Archaeological Survey of India

Chair: Dr. Alok Tripathi, Additional Director General, Archaeological Survey of India

Chinese porcelain, a refined and hard ceramic was one of the significant items of import from China. This high-fired white ceramic, known as t’zǔ in Chinese, was famous for its transparent glossy shine like a cowrie shell. The belief that porcelain can detect poison in the food made it a must-have item in the royal kitchens. The import of porcelain in India from China commenced in around 10th century CE. During the 11th-12th century CE, trade of porcelain expanded as it became popular among royals and rich merchants of India. 

The talk will focus on the varieties of porcelain discovered at different archaeological sites in India. It will highlight the expansion of porcelain trade in India during different periods.