Purva Mimansa
Speaker: Prof. S.R. Bhatt, eminent philosopher and international scholar who is considered an authority on Ancient Indian Culture, Buddhism, Jainism and Vedanta
Chair: Dr. Kavita A. Sharma
Purva Mimansa is an inquiry in human conduct, particularly righteous conduct leading to moksa. The word Mimansa denotes the reasoning process followed if one would understand the meaning of a word or a sentence in the Vedas. The epithet Purva Mimamsa indicates that the primary aim of the Mimamsa philosophy is to explain the true meaning of the Purva or the earlier portion of the Vedas. Jaimini is regarded as the compiler of the Mimamsa Sutras. The two main objectives of the Mimamsa school was to establish the authority of the Vedas as the incontrovertible source of all knowledge and to explain their true meaning