30 November 2010, 05:30 am
Music Appreciation Promotion Hazrat Amir Khusrau and the Tradition of Khanqahi Qawwali
Programme Type
An illustrated presentation by Irfan Zuberi, a cultural consultantwith the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and a researcher with the newlylaunched digital repository Naad Saagar and Archives and DocumentationSociety for South Asian Music, based in Delhi
Throughrecordings of Hazrat Amir Khusrau's compositions, this talk willintroduce the genre of khanqahi qawwali in the Indian subcontinent s aprominent expression of Chishti Sufism. A recitative musical genrewhich has evolved significantly over time, khanqahi qawwali continuesto be vibrant in terms of form, wide in terms of reach and rich interms of repertoire. This illustrated lecture-listening session willutilize recordings of Hazrat Amir Khusrau's compositions in an attemptto familiarize the audience with the structure, purpose and meaning ofthis genre of Hindustani music.
Throughrecordings of Hazrat Amir Khusrau's compositions, this talk willintroduce the genre of khanqahi qawwali in the Indian subcontinent s aprominent expression of Chishti Sufism. A recitative musical genrewhich has evolved significantly over time, khanqahi qawwali continuesto be vibrant in terms of form, wide in terms of reach and rich interms of repertoire. This illustrated lecture-listening session willutilize recordings of Hazrat Amir Khusrau's compositions in an attemptto familiarize the audience with the structure, purpose and meaning ofthis genre of Hindustani music.