A history of media and entertainment in India
by Amit Khanna
Panelists: Dr. Annurag Batra, Chairman & Editor-in-chief, BW Businessworld & Founder – Exchange4Media Group, Ms. Kaveree Bamzai, Author & Journalist, Sh. Rajiv Mehrotra, Author & Film-maker (Moderator), Sh. Amit Khanna, Filmmaker, Writer, Poet, Media Veteran & Author of the book
About the book :
Ambitious and encyclopaedic in scope, this is a first-of-its-kind book that presents the history of media and entertainment in India -- from the times of the Indus Valley Civilization right up to the twenty-first century.
The book starts with an examination of the origins, looking at a wide array of aspects such as: the state of entertainment during Harappan and Vedic times, including details from the Natyashastra; the early drama, music and dance of Kalidasa; the development of ragas; musical instruments and early folk traditions; the genesis of classical dance forms; developments through the ages, including in the Mughal period, in the southern kingdoms, in the north-east, and under the Marathas and the British. Independence onwards, the book takes a decade-wise look at the evolution of newspapers, cinema, music, television, dance, theatre and radio