Ukraine – Russia Conflict: India’s Energy Conflict

03 May 2023, 06:30 pm
Ukraine – Russia Conflict: India’s Energy Conflict
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building



Lead presentation by Ms Shebonti Ray Dadwal, independent Energy Security Consultant 


The discussion is based on the paper prepared by Ms Shebonti Ray Dadwal as part of the IIC Sectoral Policy Group on Security

Book Discussion Group

29 April 2023, 06:00 pm
Book Discussion Group
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Editor Missing: The Media in Today’s India

By Ruben Banerjee (HarperCollins India: 2022)

Discussants: Shri Sanskarshan Thakur, Roving Editor (Delhi), The Telegraph; Ms Pamela Philipose, journalist and researcher, Senior Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research; and Shri Ruben Banerjee, journalist, former Editor-in-Chief, The Outlook and author of the book

Moderator: Ms Maya Mirchandani

Depression: Complexities, Formulations and Self-Help

19 April 2023, 06:30 pm
Depression: Complexities, Formulations and Self-Help
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Depression: Complexities, Formulations and Self-Help

Speaker: Dr. Rashmi Shankar, Clinical Psychologist from UK who has worked for more than 30 years as a clinical psychologist within the mental health sector in the UK and has over 20 years teaching and training experience within her professional field


Chair: Shri K.N. Shrivastava, Director, IIC


The condition described as ‘depression’ has been known since antiquity. The World Health Organisation (WHO) figures tell us that at any one time 300 million of us can experience low mood that would meet formal criteria. Dr. Shankar will highlight some of the complexities that pose challenges and may increase vulnerabilities for depression experiences. Based on research evidence, she will present some applications of formulations that can help to extend the understanding of these complexities and vulnerability factors. Finally, based on cognitive-behavioural therapy approaches, self-help suggestions will be discussed



28 April 2023, 06:30 pm
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Coordinated by Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Ashok K. Mehta

The Return of Prachanda: How will India-Nepal Relations pan out

Panelists: Amb. K.V. Rajan, former Ambassador to Nepal; Mr. Bhaskar Koirala, former Director, Nepal Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Kathmandu; Shri Atul K. Thakur, Nodal coordinator, India-Nepal Centre PHDCCI; and Ms Navita Srikant, Financial and Security Advisor and Analyst

 Chair: Maj. Gen. Ashok K. Mehta

 Nepal has undergone a long period of political instability. Third time Maoist Prime Minister Prachanda is expected to visit India on his second state visit this month. His government is backed by eleven parties including the largest, the Nepali Congress – not a recipe for stability. The panel will discuss how India-Nepal relations will play out




Revisiting Sadeq Hedayat’s ‘Blind Owl’: Writings on a Modern Persian Novel

27 April 2023, 06:30 pm
Revisiting Sadeq Hedayat’s ‘Blind Owl’: Writings on a Modern Persian Novel
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Release of the book edited by Syed Akhtar Husain and Md. Arshadul Quadri (New Delhi: Primus Books, 2023)

The book will be released by Prof. Sukrita Paul Kumar, Guest Editor, India Literature, Sahitya Akademi

Followed by a discussion with Prof. Syed Akhtar Husain, Professor, Centre of Persian and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and President, Institute of Indo-Persian Studies; Dr. Md. Arshadul Quadri, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Persian, University of Lucknow and Vice-President, Institute of Indo-Persian Studies; Prof. Udaya Kumar, School of Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University and author of Writing the First Person: Literature, History, and Autobiography in Modern Kerala (New Delhi: Permanent Black, 2016); and Prof. Ranjani Mazumdar, School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University and author of Bombay Cinema: An Archive of the City (2007)

(Organised by IIC-International Research Division)

Release of the Commemorative issue of the IIC Quarterly

27 March 2023, 06:00 pm
Release of the Commemorative issue of the IIC Quarterly
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Release of the Commemorative issue of the IIC Quarterly: A Look Into the Past, 1974-2010 – A Volume in Celebration of the Centre’s Diamond Jubilee, 2022


To be released by Dr. Karan Singh



18 April 2023, 06:30 pm
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Conceptualised by Dr. Siraj Hussain

Slowing growth Caused Lower Employment: Can it be Reversed?

Lead presentation by Prof. Santosh Mehrotra, Visiting Professor, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath, UK, Professorial Senior Fellow, Nehru Memorial Library, New Delhi

Discussant: Shri Mahesh Vyas , Managing Director, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. (CMIE)

Chair: Shri K.N. Shrivastava, Director, IIC

The lecture is based on a paper prepared by Prof. Mehrotra on Structural change reversed: A comparative analysis pre-and post-2015 as part of the IIC Sectoral Planning Group on Agriculture


13 April 2023, 05:30 pm
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

House of the People: Parliament and the Making of Indian Democracy

By Ronojoy Sen (Cambridge University Press; New edition, 2022)

Discussants: Dr. M.R. Madhavan, President and Co-Founder, PRS Legislative Research; Ms Yamini Aiyar, President and Chief Executive, Centre for Policy Research; Shri Raju Ramachandran, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India; and Dr. Ronojoy Sen, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore and author of the book


Moderator: Mr. Alex Travelli, South Asia Business Correspondent, New York Times, New Delhi


Kriti-SAMHiTA: The Plurality of Indian Knowledge Systems

10 April 2023, 06:30 pm
Kriti-SAMHiTA: The Plurality of Indian Knowledge Systems
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

The Catalan and Spanish Sanskrit Dictionaries, updating Sanskrit lexicography

Speaker: Dr. Òscar Pujol, Director, Cervantes Institute, New Delhi; Sanskrit scholar who has published several books
and translations from the Sanskrit classics and two Sanskrit dictionaries - Sanskrit-Catalan and Sanskrit-Spanish dictionaries

Chair: Dr. Sudha Gopalakrishnan, Executive Director, IIC-International Research Division

Prof. Michael Coulson, British Indologist and Sanskrit scholar was of the opinion that the existing Sanskrit dictionaries
were grossly out of date. The most important lexicographic activity regarding Sanskrit was done more than a hundred years ago. During this time lexicography has advanced enormously, but this is not reflected in Sanskrit dictionaries. Consequently, updating Sanskrit lexicography is an urgent task. The Catalan and Spanish dictionaries are one small step in this direction. This lecture we will present the new contributions of these two new works


Organised by IIC-International Research Division with the support of Ministry of External Affairs

Roundtable on Women in Diplomacy

28 March 2023, 03:00 pm
Roundtable on Women in Diplomacy
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building

Amb. Nirupama Rao, former Foreign Secretary of India; H.E. Amb. Mateja Vodeb Ghosh, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia; Amb. Riva Ganguly Das, former Ambassador and Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs; Ms Elena Pérez-Villaneuva del Caz, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Spain; Ms Maria Rosa Sabbatelli, Deputy Head of Unit, Rapid Response Europe, Asia and Americas, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI); Ms Priyanka Bhide, Founder Director, Kubernein Initiative; and Ms Khushi Singh Rathore, Research Scholar and Author at South Asian Voices

In-Conversation with Dr. Meenakshi Gopinath, Life Trustee, IIC and Director, WISCOMP


(Collaboration: The Delegation of the European Union to India; and Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace)