Design, Supply, Installation, and Testing and CCTV 2020
Start Date
12 February 2020, 12:00 am
Design, Supply, Installation, and Testing and CCTV
Postponement of date of receipt of Tender for Design, Supply, Installation and Testing and Commissioning of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), system at Main & Annexe Building, India International Centre.
The date of receipt of Tender 25/02/2020 is postponed now to 1700 hrs. 03/03/2020
Sealed offers are invited by the HMD, INDIA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, 40, Max Mueller Marg New Delhi 110003 for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system at Main & Annexe Building.
Sealed tenders are to be submitted in two parts namely; (1) Technical Bid and (2) Price Bid. Both bids are to be submitted simultaneously on the same date. First, the Technical Bids shall be opened and evaluated based on the evaluation, the bidders shall be declared technically qualified. Thereafter, Financial Bids of only those bidders shall be opened who have been decided technically qualified. |
The offer should be sent to the HMD, INDIA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE on or before 1700 hrs, 25th Feb 2020. Rates may be indicated as per the specifications given in the enclosed lists. Validity of quoted rates will be for 90 days
Offers should be submitted complete in all respects.
The firms are advised to inspect the site, ground conditions and detailed architectural and civil drawings to make themselves fully aware of the scope of work, terms and conditions as also the conditions under which the Closed-Circuit Television CCTV) are to be installed. No claim for any extra payment of any kind on account of lack of information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their offers shall be entertained after the award of the work.
The rates should be quoted neatly both in figures and in words. In case of discrepancy in the rates quoted in words and figures, rates quoted in words shall prevail.
The firm shall keep his offer open for acceptance for 90 days from the date it is opened.
A Firm who does not fulfill all or any of the instructions contained in the offer or any term or condition in this offer or conditions not covered and/or contemplated by the terms and conditions of this contract, shall be liable to be rejected.
IIC shall reserve the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reasons.