Inside the Painting

25 November 2016, 05:30 am
Inside the Painting
Inside the Painting
Three works of the iconic Lithuanian artist of the late 19th century, Mikalojus Konstantinas ?iurlionis (1875 – 1911), have been recreated in a 3D reality, and are presented in a virtual form. The visitor can view the paintings in different dimensions, offering a new way of experiencing. Though short for a short duration, the exhibition nevertheless unveils the future potential of new technologies being applied to the world of arts
Inauguration by H.E. Mr. Laimonas Talat-Kelpša, Ambassador of Lithuania on Friday, 25 November 2016 at 18:30 
The exhibition will include an A Capella Concert by the Lithuanian group, Where the Backs Come From
With Berta Timinskaitè (soprano); Silvija Pank?naitè (soprano); Algè Matek?naitè (alto); and Eglè Gadeikytè (alto)
(Collaboration: Embassy of Lithuania)


25 November 2016, 05:30 am
Programme Type
Performing Shakespeare in India: Exploring Indianness, Literature and Culture
Edited by Shormishtha Panja & Babli Moitra Saraf (New Delhi: Sage, 2016)

Discussants: Dr. Angelie Multani, Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi; Prof. Christel Devadawson, Dept. of English, University of Delhi; Prof. Bishnupriya Dutt, School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University; and Prof. Jonathan Gil Harris, Ashoka University


Chair: Prof. Rupin W. Desai, formerly Professor of English, University of Delhi

Concert – Piano Recital

25 November 2016, 05:30 am
Concert – Piano Recital
Programme Type
Concert – Piano Recital
By Adolovni Acosta, well-known pianist from the Philippines
(Collaboration: Delhi Music Society)

The Next – Learning Revolution

25 November 2016, 05:30 am
The Next – Learning Revolution
Programme Type
The Next – Learning Revolution
Speaker: Shri Sonam Wangchuck, Founder, SECMOL, Ladakh
Chair: Shri Sanjay Prakash, co-founder of Future Institute
Shri Wangchuck will share his journey and vision of transforming conventional education system to an alternative learning approach based on exploration, experience and innovation
(Collaboration: Future Institute)

Bharatanatyam Recital

24 November 2016, 05:30 am
Bharatanatyam Recital
Programme Type
By Jyotsna Jagannathan from Chennai,  disciple of Shri A Lakshman and Smt Bragha Bessell


23 November 2016, 05:30 am
Programme Type
Zawar: The Oldest Pure Zinc Production Of The World
Speaker: Dr. J.S. Kharakwal, Sahitya Sansthan, JRN Rajasthan Vidaypeeth, Udaipur
Being volatile metal it was difficult to smelt zinc in the Old World. It is therefore the history of zinc is much shorter compared to other metals. Zawar near Udaipur in Rajasthan is the oldest pure zinc making centre, which was discovered and studied by a joint team of Hindustan Zinc, M.S. University Baroda and British Museum, London in the 1980s.
At Zawar there are remains of refractory material, a very large number of ancient temples, fort, water reservoir and residential structures. In this presentation the archaeometallurgical and archaeological remains at Zawar will be highlighted, besides giving details of textual records

Borges and India

22 November 2016, 05:30 am
Borges and India
Programme Type
Argentine writer Carlos Gamerro , in conversation with Alok Bhalla and Sonya Surabhi Gupta
Carlos Gamerro is author of several novels and was awarded the Best Book Prize of 2015 at the Buenos Aires Book Fair for Facundo o Martín Fierro.  His novels have been translated into French, German and Turkish, and into English as An Open Secret, The Islands and The Adventure of the Busts of Eva Perón (all three of them translated by Ian Barnett in collaboration with the author). He has written film scripts and has translated works of Graham Greene and Shakespeare into Spanish
Dr. Alok Bhalla, critic and translator, former Professor from English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad
Dr. Sonya Gupta, Director, Centre for European and Latin American Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia
(Collaboration: Embassy of the Argentine Republic)

Bharatanatyam Recital

22 November 2016, 05:30 am
Bharatanatyam Recital
Programme Type
Bharatanatyam Recital
By Anwesha Das, disciple of Urmila Satyanarayanan
(Collaboration: Seher)

Kamaladevi Puraskar 2016

21 November 2016, 05:30 am
Kamaladevi Puraskar 2016
Programme Type
Kamaladevi Puraskar 2016
Presentation of awards to young craftspersons – Krishna Kumbhkar, terracotta; Selvi P. Deepa, tribal broom making; Karunya Sethuraman, wood sculpture; Uddhab Sutradhar, Purulia dance mask; and Indra Kumari, Barmer applique
Chief Guest:  Smt Jasleen Dhamija, veteran handloom historian and handicrafts expert
There will be a display of craft made by the awardees
(Collaboration: Delhi Crafts Council)

Linguistic Diversity in South and Southeast Asia

21 November 2016, 05:30 am
Linguistic Diversity in South and Southeast Asia
Programme Type
Chair: Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, Chairperson, IIC-International Research Division
Introduction: Professor Anvita Abbi, Seminar Coordinator; Honorary Director, Centre for Oral and Tribal Literature, Sahitya Akademi
Guest of Honour: Dr. D. P. Pattanayak, eminent linguist                        
Keynote Address: Dr. Ganesh Devy, Chairman, People’s Linguistic Survey of India
Organised by IIC-International Research Division