Jazz in India
26 November 2014, 05:30 am
Jazz in India
An exhibition that traces the early years of Jazz in India using the Taj Mahal Foxtrot archives from the collection of Naresh Fernandes, author; and moves on to the “Yatra Years” of the iconic Jazz Yatra Festivals held from 1978 to 2003 from the collection of Niranjan Jhaveri, impresario and organiser of the Yatras. The exhibition also includes drawings by Mario Miranda; archival material, posters and photographs; audio kiosks of old recordings; and video recordings of concerts
The exhibits have been collected from the Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology of the American Institute of Indian Studies
Inauguration by Shri Soli J. Sorabjee, President IIC on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 18:30
As part of this exhibition the following programmes will be held in the Art Gallery:
26th November at 18:30
Music Appreciation Promotion
A Short History of How Jazz Became an Indian Music
Presentation by Shri Naresh Fernandes, author of the book, The Taj Mahal Foxtrot: The story of Bombay's Jazz Age
From the accounts of most standard jazz histories, it took the genius of American saxophonist, John Coltrane to demonstrate in the 1960s how jazz could enrich itself by seeking inspiration in Hindustani classical music. But the reality is more complex. From the 1940s, a passionate group of Indian jazz musicians had been attempting to find an Indian way to play jazz, both in art music and in popular music. The presentation will use audio clips and photographs to trace the journey of jazz from New Orleans to New Delhi, exploring how an American transplant became a vibrant Indian hybrid in the fertile soil of the subcontinent
27th November at 18:30
Jazz in the Swing Era
Presented by Rohit Gupta Trio
Featuring Kartikeya Srivastava on drums; Abhinav Khokar on upright & electric bass; and Rohit Gupta on piano/keyboard
26th November at 18:30
Music Appreciation Promotion
A Short History of How Jazz Became an Indian Music
Presentation by Shri Naresh Fernandes, author of the book, The Taj Mahal Foxtrot: The story of Bombay's Jazz Age
From the accounts of most standard jazz histories, it took the genius of American saxophonist, John Coltrane to demonstrate in the 1960s how jazz could enrich itself by seeking inspiration in Hindustani classical music. But the reality is more complex. From the 1940s, a passionate group of Indian jazz musicians had been attempting to find an Indian way to play jazz, both in art music and in popular music. The presentation will use audio clips and photographs to trace the journey of jazz from New Orleans to New Delhi, exploring how an American transplant became a vibrant Indian hybrid in the fertile soil of the subcontinent
27th November at 18:30
Jazz in the Swing Era
Presented by Rohit Gupta Trio
Featuring Kartikeya Srivastava on drums; Abhinav Khokar on upright & electric bass; and Rohit Gupta on piano/keyboard
To mark the year of His Holiness The Dalai Lama: 23-26 November 2014 CANCELLED
26 November 2014, 05:30 am
To mark the year of His Holiness The Dalai Lama: 23-26 November 2014 CANCELLED
Beyond Belief: Wake Up…To Your Dream Life (80 min; 2010; dvd; English)
A film by Becky Holzknecht
Dalai Lama - Religious Harmony
Speaker: Dr. A.K. Merchant
Sunrise/Sunset (72 min; 2009; dvd; English)
A film by Vitali Manski
To mark the year of His Holiness The Dalai Lama: 23-26 November 2014 PROGRAMME CANCELLED
24 November 2014, 05:30 am
To mark the year of His Holiness The Dalai Lama: 23-26 November 2014 PROGRAMME CANCELLED
Dalai Lama – Theory of Reincarnation & the Recognition of the Dalai Lamas
Speaker: to be confirmed
What We Learn from His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Why He Matters?"
Speaker: Shri Rajiv Mehrotra
10 Questions for The Dalai Lama (85 min; 2006; dvd; English)
A film by Rick Ray
22 November 2014, 05:30 am
Programme Type
Nehru and the National Movement
Speaker: Prof. Irfan Habib, Professor Emeritus of History at Aligarh Muslim University, is the author of The Agrarian System of Mughal India, An Atlas of the Mughal Empire and Medieval India:The Study of a Civilization. He is the General Editor of the People’s History of India series
A series of 4 lectures organised in collaboration with Sahmat on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru. The next lecture in the series will be held on 29th November 2014
Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve: The Bamboo Forest
22 November 2014, 05:30 am
Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve: The Bamboo Forest
Programme Type
Illustrated lecture by Shri Sharad Khanna, freelance wildlife photographer, amateur para-glider and adventurer
Often referred to as "The Jewel of Vidharba", Tadoba-andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) is a pristine and unique eco-system situated in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra