19 May 2022, 04:30 pm
Programme Type
Conference Room II, IIC main building


Dynamics of Difference: Inequality and Transformation in Rural India

Edited by Narendar Pani (Routledge India:2021)

Discussants: Shri Amarjeet Sinha, former Advisor, PMO and Member of the Public Enterprises Selection Board; Shri Siraj Hussain, former Secretary Agriculture and Senior Fellow, ICRIER; Prof. Shiv Visvanathan, Professor, Jindal Global Law School, Vice Dean and Executive Director, Centre for the Study of Knowledge Systems, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat; and Prof. Narendar Pani, Professor and Dean, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru and Editor of the book

Chair: Shri N.N. Vohra, President, IIC

Colours in the Hills

19 May 2022, 11:00 am
Colours in the Hills
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts
Art Gallery, IIC Annexe
End Date
25 May 2022, 07:00 pm


An exhibition of paintings in water colour, oil, gouache and acrylic by Astrid Kiehn from Germany

Painted directly at different locations in Himachal Pradesh, the artist has captured the changing colours and moods of the monsoon skies, mountains and terrain with a few works related to Pahari art




Preview on Wednesday, 18 May 2022 at 18:30



18 May 2022, 06:00 pm
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts
C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, IIC main building


Preserving the Last Frontier – Antarctica

Chair: Amb. Shyam Saran, Life Trustee, IIC, and former Foreign Secretary of India

Lead Talk on Keeping pace in contemporary Antarctic science under the changing geopolitical scenario: Dr. Rasik Ravindra, Polar scientist, former Director, National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa 

Panelists: Dr. Thamban Meloth, Scientist G, Group Director, Polar Sciences, National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa on Antarctica and Climate Change; Ms Sulagna Chattopadhyay, Editor-in-Chief, Geography and You, New Delhi on Future of Antarctica in a Changing World; Prof Sanjay Chaturvedi, Professor and Chairperson, Dept. of International Relations, South Asian University on Antarctic Geopolitics, Legal Status; and Prof. Anindya Sinha, Professor and Head, Academics, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru on Coping with Climate Change: Demographic history, population structure and conversation biology of penguins in Antarctica  

The panel discussion will focus on the scientific, political, environmental, and judicial issues involved in protecting Antarctica.



Health is Wealth: Health is Happiness

14 May 2022, 06:00 pm
Health is Wealth: Health is Happiness
Programme Type
Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC


Speaker: Shri Abhijit Bhattacharyya, former lecturer of history, Civil Servant, author, columnist and advocate

Chair: Shri Prakash Singh, former Director General of Police and author of the recently published book The Struggle for Police Reforms in India



14 May 2022, 04:00 pm
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

Water Management Strategies in the Ancient Pandya Kingdom

A talk by Madhusudhanan Kalaichelva, architect and heritage researcher. The presentation will explain the issues faced, and the strategies evolved, by the Pandya dynasty whose kingdom functioned around the southern districts of today's Tamil Nadu - in dealing with water management in dry and drought prone areas.

Followed by a dialogue with Dr Partho Datta, Historian, Author and Professor, School of Arts & Aesthetics; and Anisha Shekhar Mukherji, Conservation Architect, Author and Visiting Faculty at S.P.A. Delhi. 

The seventh in the bi-monthly series structured around dialogues that endeavour to present the role of architecture in contributing positively to society and to culture. Conceptualised by Anisha Shekhar Mukherji, the series, through interactions with practitioners and scholars, intends to engage with a wide variety of people - professionals and lay-persons alike.

Registration link

The 50 Principles of Sogetsu Ikebana by Sofu Teshigahara

12 May 2022, 12:00 pm
The 50 Principles of Sogetsu Ikebana by Sofu Teshigahara
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts

Lecture demonstration by Ms Soei Chieko Mihori, Riji, Master Instructor and Founder-Director, Sogetsu School, Florida, USA. Ms Mihori has received numerous awards and accolades for her outstanding work which includes the “Sofu Award” from Sofu Teshigahara in 1974; “The Overseas Sogetsu Grand Prize” from the Sogetsu School, Tokyo in 2017; and the prestigious, “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays” from The Emperor of Japan in 2012

Introduction: Smt. Veena Dass, Director, Sogetsu School, New Delhi

(Collaboration: Sogetsu School, New Delhi; and Embassy of Japan)

Zoom meeting link:…
Meeting ID: 861 6946 4483
Passcode: Sogetsu

Treasures of Ancient Rome (2012)

09 May 2022, 12:00 am
Treasures of Ancient Rome (2012)
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts
End Date
15 May 2022, 11:59 pm

Treasures of Ancient Rome (2012) | Click here to watch

A three-part documentary series presented by Alastair Sooke, taking an in-depth look at the art of the Roman Empire. In the documentary Sooke sets out to "debunk the myth that Romans didn't do art and were unoriginal". This is based on the view that Romans heavily incorporated Greek style in their art, and hence produced nothing new or original. 

Episode 1: Warts 'n' All (59 min)
Director: Tim Dunn

Alastair Sooke traces how the Romans during the Republic went from being art thieves and copycats to pioneering a new artistic style - warts 'n' all realism. Roman portraits reveal what the great names from history, men like Julius Caesar and Cicero, actually looked like. Modern-day artists demonstrate the ingenious techniques used to create these true to life masterpieces in marble, bronze and paint.
We can step back into the Roman world thanks to their invention of the documentary-style marble relief and to a volcano called Vesuvius. Sooke explores the remarkable artistic legacy of Pompeii before showing how Rome's first emperor, Augustus, used the power of art to help forge an empire.

Stephen Fry Part - 1

09 May 2022, 12:00 am
Stephen Fry Part - 1
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts
End Date
15 May 2022, 11:59 pm

Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive 
(120 min; 2006; English) 
Director: Ross Wilson

Stephen Fry presents this documentary exploring the disease of manic depression; a little understood but potentially devastating condition affecting an estimated two percent of the population. Stephen embarks on an emotional journey to meet fellow sufferers, and discuss the literal highs and lows of being bi-polar. Celebrities such as Carrie Fisher and Richard Dreyfuss invite the comedian into their home to relate their stories. Plus Stephen looks into the lives of ordinary people trying to deal with the illness at work and home, and of course to the people studying manic depression in an effort to better control it. A fascinating, moving and ultimately very entertaining Emmy Award-winning program.


Ibn Battuta: The Man who Walked Across the World (UK)

09 May 2022, 12:00 am
Ibn Battuta: The Man who Walked Across the World (UK)
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts
End Date
15 May 2022, 11:59 pm

A three-part BBC Four travelogue with Tim Mackintosh-Smith, British Arabist, writer, traveller and lecturer.  In an effort to break the west's monolithic view of Islam, Tim Mackintosh-Smith follows in the footsteps of 14th century Moroccan scholar Ibn Battuta, regarded by many to be one of the greatest travellers and explorers the world has ever seen, who covered 75,000 miles, 40 countries and three continents in a 30-year odyssey.  

Episode 3: Trade Winds
(60 min; 2008; English)
Tim Mackintosh-Smith explores the place of Islam in Hindu-dominated India and communist China, and tells the story of the Islamic trade empire of the 14th century. In China, he meets a clan who trace their ancestry back to Arabs, and witnesses an illegal Arabic lesson.


Tender for Development of Lawn area.

Tender for Development of Lawn area.
Start Date
07 May 2022, 04:00 pm
End Date
21 May 2022, 06:00 pm


Name of work : Tender for Development of Lawn area.

Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand only)

Date of Sale of Tender Documents : 1 st May 2022 to 21st May 2022

Last Date and Time of Receipt of : 21 st May 2022 upto 1500 hrs.

Tender Bid validity : 120 days

Pre-Bid Site Visit Date, Time and Place : Any time between 1st to 21st May 2022 1500 hrs. to 1600 hrs.

Prospective bidders to contact, Manager (H&HK) at the IIC Hostel. (Tel. No. 011-24609354)

Date/Time and Place of opening: 21 st May 2022 at 1600 hrs. of Tender