István Szabó Retrospective: Central European Present and Past in Film
At 2.30 pm Workshop
Conducted by Prof. Balazs Varga, Associate Professor of Film Studies at ELTE, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
At 6.30 pm Hanussen (Hungary)
(140 min; 1988; dvd; Hungarian with English subtitles)
Director: Istaván Szabó
Recipient of the Golden Camera Award for Best International Actor, Golden Camera Awards, Germany 1991
Hanussen centres on an Austrian soldier who becomes a clairvoyant after he is shot in the head during World War I. He is able to read minds and predict the future. Before long, he has foreseen Hitler and the Nazis' rise to power, and he soon finds himself in danger.
Szabo's third film in a row starring Austrian actor Klaus Maria Brandauer, following Mephisto and Colonel Redl, it once again follows the life of a man who rises to fame and power, only to be thwarted by the regime. It spans from the end of WWI, where Klaus Schneider who would later become known by his stage name Erik Jan Hanussen is injured in combat and sent to an infirmary where he hones his skills as a hypnotist and mind reader, and follows his career as a clairvoyant all the way to his fateful prediction of the Reichstag fire in February 1933.
- Physical programmes will be held as per the Covid -19 protocols
- Wearing of face masks is mandatory and will be strictly enforced. Entry will not be permitted to anyone not wearing a mask
- Audiences are requested to arrive at the venues, at least 30 minutes prior to the programmes in order to facilitate the screening process at the Door
- There will be separate doors earmarked for Entry and Exit
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