Towards a Holistic Long term Medi-Care system – The case of Covid-19
08 August 2020, 04:30 pm
Towards a Holistic Long term Medi-Care system – The case of Covid-19
Programme Type
Towards a Holistic Long term Medi-Care system – The case of Covid-19
Panellists: Dr. V.K. Paul, Member, Niti Aayog; and Prof. K. Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India
Opening Remarks: Shri N.N. Vohra, President, IIC
Moderator: Prof. Vinayshil Gautam, Founder Director, IIM-K; 1st Head, Manag. Dept. IIT-D; Leader Consulting Team, IIM-S; and ex KPMG
The discussion will present a multi-disciplinary approach to the pandemic, covering emergency health care systems, safety engines of healthcare, emergency case development, evolving social narratives and change in frameworks of reference