Opening of IIC facilities

Opening of IIC facilities
Start Date
06 June 2021, 12:00 am

Dear Members,

            We wish to inform that in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) on 05 June 2020, the Main Centre will now be functional from 07th June 2021 with limited services.

2.         In this regard, Members may please note that besides any condition which may be enforced by the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) the Centre is functioning as given below:


3.         For one and all the entry to Main Centre is only through Gate Nos. 2 & 3.  All Members/visitors have to mandatorily undergo thermal screening and any one with body temperature above (37.3oC / 99.14oF) or other visible problems is not allowed entry. Other requirements include:

  1. Wearing of face cover (mask) is compulsory for any person visiting the Centre. Disposable masks are available, on payment, at the Reception. Members may dispose of their masks in the designated bins placed in the Centre’s premises.
  1. Members residing in the Containment Zones are requested not to visit the Centre.
  2. Members are required to use hand sanitizers (placed at various locations) after entering the Centre. 
  1. Social distancing norms are to be strictly adhered by all  members while they are in the Centre’s premises.
  1. Members visiting the Centre are advised to have their inoculation done.


Dining Hall, Lounge, Hostel Rooms, Library and Annexe

4.1       Presently these facilities will remain closed. Efforts are being made to open them at the earliest. Members would be intimated separately on their reopening.

4.2   Those Members who have drawn books from Library may await opening of the Library.  No overdue charges would be levied due to delayed return.

Bakery and Take-away 

5.1        Take-Away food and Bakery will be functional from 07th  June 21 between 1030 hrs and 1830 hrs. Members can call the Centre on Tel Nos 011-24609472/ 24609359/ 24609473 and place their orders. In case of difficulty in contacting the listed nos. the members may WhatsApp their order to Assistant Manager (Mr Rahul Bist) at Mob No - 8130900937.

5.2       The ordered food would be ready for pick-up at the especially designated counter (in the Main Verandah) at the desired time. Members can get the ordered food collected personally or through their designated reps. Necessary payments are to be made at the time of collection of food either through their Smart cards or through debit/credit cards. In case the ordered food is not collected, the full bill for the same shall be debited to the Member’s account. 

5.3       The menu for Take-Away items & the Bakery Items may be  viewed   at Annexure I.  (Click here to view Annexure I)



6.         Conduct of online-programmes through web platforms is continuing as per the programme details published at the IIC Website.  Members can view them as per their convenience.


                                                                                               Kanwal Wali

                                                                                                Secretary, IIC

What does India think and do about Child Labour?

11 June 2021, 04:00 pm
What does India think and do about Child Labour?
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts


Shantha Sinha, leading child rights activist, Founder-Secretary, M.V. Foundation and former Chairperson, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights from 2007-2013; Sudarshan Suchi, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children, India; and Vicky Roy, formerly a Delhi street child, now an acclaimed photographer — in conversation with Monica Banerjee, Country lead, WNCB Alliance in India.

[Organised in collaboration with Work: No Child's Business (WNCB) to mark International Year for Elimination of Child Labour (IYECL - 2021)]

Israel-Palestine Dispute

09 June 2021, 04:00 pm
Israel-Palestine Dispute
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

PANELISTS: Dr. John Cherian, Consulting Editor, Frontline; Prof. P.R. Kumaraswamy, Professor of Contemporary Middle East, Centre for West Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Hony. Director, Middle East Institute; and Prof. Bansidhar Pradhan, Professor, Centre for West Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University

CHAIR: Amb. K.P. Fabian

The Israel-Palestine Dispute has once again flared up on 10th May, with the Hamas firing rockets into Israel and the latter retaliating with air strikes. A cease-fire was agreed to after 11 days. The grim toll includes over 280 human lives lost, 77,000 rendered homeless in Gaza, not to speak of the destruction of infrastructure including water and electricity, hospitals, schools, and even a library. There is talk of reconstruction and even of the two-state solution. The panelists will address the issues including the two questions: Why did this crisis occur when it did? The role of the United States; What next?

Health Eco-System for Delhi

08 June 2021, 05:00 pm
Health Eco-System for Delhi
Programme Type

8th Edition of the Dialogue to Develop a Vision for the Environment of Delhi - 2025

SPEAKERS: Ms. K. Sujatha Rao, Former Union Health Secretary; Prof. K. Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India; Prof. Naresh Gupta, Former Director Professor, Maulana Azad Medical College; Dr Ajay Aggarwal, COO, Omega Hospitals; and Dr. Indranil Mukhopadhyay, Health Economist, Associate Professor, O. P. Jindal Global University

MODERATOR: Suhas Borker, Founder Member, Green Circle of Delhi

It was a catastrophic scenario when Delhi was struck by the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. On 20th April 2021, Delhi reported its highest single-day Covid-19 spike ever, after it added over 28,395 coronavirus cases. Delhi's healthcare system failed. Amid a surge in infections and deaths, Delhi ran out of hospital beds, oxygen and medicines. This was despite Delhi having the highest density of super-speciality hospitals, doctors, beds and specialists. Why did so many people in Delhi die without access to basic medical services?

The lessons learnt from the recent crisis call for a concerted endeavour to revamp and optimize the health eco-system of Delhi. Can Delhi develop a sustainable model of primary healthcare led Universal Health Coverage? Can Delhi strengthen its health eco-system to manage regular and emergency healthcare as well as prepare for biological disasters? Can Delhi's healthcare infrastructure meet the needs of non-Covid patients in the current and near future scenarios, in anticipation of the Covid crisis remaining for some time? Can a transparent plan of action be prepared and implemented laying down clear lines of institutional accountability?

This series is dedicated to the memory of Shri Mahesh. N. Buch, civil servant and environmentalist, who passed away on 6 June in 2015 and who had given the key-note address at the inaugural edition of the Dialogue in 2013.

(Collaboration: Green Circle of Delhi)

Berlanga Celebrates One Hundred Years | Calabuch

11 June 2021, 11:30 pm
Berlanga Celebrates One Hundred Years | Calabuch
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts
End Date
13 June 2021, 11:30 pm

A series of films to celebrate the centenary year of Luis García Berlanga (1921-2010), arguably one of the greatest Spanish film directors of his time and an arch-satirist of Spanish society. Remarkably, much of his best and most cutting work were made under the scrutiny of a censorious dictatorship. The online film series revisits four ground-breaking films that played a significant role in his career and evolution as a filmmaker. Organised in collaboration with Cervantes Institute, New Delhi; Filmoteca de la AECID, ICAA; Filmoteca Española, AC/E; and Academia del Cine, Spain.

The films can be viewed every Friday night of June 2021 on the Instituto Cervantes Vimeo channel, for a duration of 48 hours.

Calabuch [Spain/Italy; 92 min; 1956; b/w; Spanish with English subtitles]

Director: Luis García Berlanga

Recipient of the OCIC Award, Venice Film Festival 1956; CEC Award for Best Actor & Best Original Story, Cinema Writers Circle Awards, Spain 1957; and Prize of the National Syndicate of Spectacle for Best Film, Best Supporting Actor & Best Screenplay, National Syndicate of Spectacle, Spain 1956

In the middle of the Cold War, tired of working on the construction of atomic bombs and alarmed by the destructive scope of his discovery, a North American scientist of international prestige flees his country and takes refuge in the anonymity of a peaceful town on the Mediterranean coast called Calabuch. The affable professor Hamilton not only integrates perfectly into the small town of Calabuch, forging a deep friendship with his neighbours, but there he will find the happiness he craved for


07 June 2021, 12:00 am
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
End Date
13 June 2021, 11:59 pm

Illustrated lecture [40 min] by Ms Caterina Brazzi Castracane, historian, author and tour guide

Ferrara located in the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy is the first modern city and one of the culturally most important of Italian Renaissance city states. The historic centre of Ferrara has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995. For three centuries the town was ruled by the Este family, whose Renaissance court was among the finest in Italy, attracting artists and writers alike. 

(Organised in collaboration with Italian Embassy Cultural Centre and Bell’Italia 88)

Brazilian Concert: Bianca and Julio

07 June 2021, 12:00 am
Brazilian Concert: Bianca and Julio
Programme Type
Cultural, Webcasts
End Date
13 June 2021, 11:59 pm

Concert by Bianca Gismonti (vocal and piano) and Julio Falvigna (drums), well-known contemporary jazz artists from Brazil.

The artists will be accompanied by other guest artists to present three compositions – Festa do Carmo with Mestrinho, accordion (Brazil); Escadas da Penha with Frank Colón, percussion (Puerto Rico); and Celestial Sphere with Navin Gandhari, belabahar (India); and Paolo Andriolo, bass.

(Collaboration: Embassy of Brazil)

Eames: The Architect and the Painter

07 June 2021, 12:00 am
Eames: The Architect and the Painter
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts
End Date
13 June 2021, 11:59 pm

[84 min; 2011; English]

Directors: Jason Cohn & Bill Jersey

Narrated by James Franco

The husband-and-wife team of Charles and Ray Eames were among the most important American designers of the 20th century. The Eameses are best known for their ground-breaking contributions to architecture, furniture design, industrial design and manufacturing, and the photographic arts. The Eamses visited India in 1957 at the invitation of the Government of India to explore the problems of design and to make recommendations for a training programme. Their India Report defined the underlying spirit that would lead to the founding of the National Institute of Design and the beginning of design education in India.

Let us Be Realists and Demand the Impossible: Communism

07 June 2021, 12:00 am
Let us Be Realists and Demand the Impossible: Communism
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
End Date
13 June 2021, 11:59 pm

Video recording of a lecture [56 min] delivered by Prof. Slavoj Žižek, well-known Slovenian political philosopher, cultural theorist and author, at the 2011 Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Sydney, Australia.

In the late 90s, political theorists, economists and politicians were talking confidently about the “end of history” and the undisputed triumph of liberal "democratic" capitalism. Communism was written off as dead and buried. But after 9/11, the Arab Spring, and the protests spreading over Europe, the ideological gloss of capitalism may be beginning to fade. If the alternative is Putin's muscular Tsarism or China's authoritarian capitalism, then renovating the idea of communism may matter profoundly. For philosophical rock star and brilliant iconoclast Slavoj Žižek, it is something that we should demand, no matter how impossible it seems.

New Membership - 16th Oct. 2020 to 17th May, 2021

New Membership - 16th Oct. 2020 to 17th May, 2021
Start Date
31 May 2021, 12:00 am

New Memberships 
16th October 2020 – 17th May 2021

During the period 16th October 2020 - 17th May 2021, OAM/ STAM/ Associate Members/ Members/Corporate Associate/ Corporate Members have been inducted as per the following details:


Category of Membership

Members inducted during 16-10-2020 to 17-05-2021


Members inducted under Overseas Associate Membership (OAM)



Spouses of deceased Members granted Associate Membership (A)



Associate Members (A) who have been migrated to Member (M) category



Applicants inducted under the Short-Term Associate Membership (STAM) Scheme



Persons inducted as Associate Member (A) category (they were cleared by the TAC in March `21)




Persons inducted in Member (M) category. (they were cleared by the TAC in
March `21)



Institutions inducted as New Corporate Associate Members (CA)



Institutions inducted as New Corporate Members (CM)


Note: * Please click on this number to see the entire list of persons  granted 


Kanwal Wali
Secretary, IIC