River Dialogues  

06 July 2021, 04:00 pm
 River Dialogues  
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

Two Banks of a River – The Indus in Ladakh
Illustrated lecture by Isaac Tsetan Gergan, artist, photographer and Director, Art for Change Foundation, based in Leh and Delhi
Following the lecture, Isaac will be in conversation with Kishalay Bhattacharjee, Professor and Executive Dean, Director, Jindal School of Journalism and Communication, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat
A series of talks and dialogues that hope to challenge the imagination of the “mainstream”. The river conversations is critical to re-evaluate histories, reconnecting civilisations, cultures and peoples, ideas and regions and opening streams of thought for a future with exciting possibilities
(Collaboration: Living Waters Museum; and New Imaginations, Jindal School of Journalism and Communication, O.P. Jindal Global University)


Signs of Life

06 July 2021, 02:30 pm
Signs of Life
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

Ikebana lecture and demonstration by Ms Ursula Altenbach, artist and Ikebana teacher from Gersau, Switzerland
Introduction: Smt Veena Dass, Director, Sogetsu School of Ikebana
(Collaboration: Sogetsu School of Ikebana, New Delhi)

Zoom Meeting link: 
Meeting ID: 821 9846 0056 
Password: Sogetsu

Book Discussion Group

05 July 2021, 04:00 pm
Book Discussion Group
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

Amader Shantiniketan
By Shivani, translated by Ira Pande (Vintage Books, New Delhi: 2021)
Discussants: Prof. Radha Chakravarty, poet, critic and translator; Prof. Sanjukta Dasgupta, academic, poet and Convenor, Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library, ICCR, Kolkata; and Smt Ira Pande, freelance writer and translator of the book
Chair: Prof. Pushpesh Pant, academic, food critic and historian
This charming memoir is a loving homage to a grand institution and its legendary gurus. Written from the perspective of a child and a young girl, it retains the freshness and innocence of an age when experimental education was not merely a trendy movement


Start Date
01 July 2021, 12:00 am

Get a little taste of France, the world’s centre of gastronomic prowess, at IIC this weekend. For the French, eating is a way of life and French cuisine, now celebrated as an ‘intangible cultural heritage’, is a flavourful amalgamation of history, culture, tradition and, above all, sophisticated cooking techniques. Traditionally, each geographical area in France has its own distinctive cuisine but techniques like braising, flambéing, sautéing, poaching and broiling, with the emphasis on butter and herbs is common to all.  IIC will be serving the special menu from 02nd-04th July 2021. These items shall be served in addition to the regular take away menu.





STARTERS (Non vegetarian)



Fish cutlets (2 pcs)



Meat pie



STARTERS (Vegetarian)



Corn roll (02 pcs)



Asparagus quiche (1 pcs)






Escabeche de picado (fish) (non-veg)



Hamburger steak Lyonnaise (mutton) (non-veg)



Supreme de volaille parisienne (chicken in red wine sauce) (non veg)



Cannelloni with spinach and ricotta (crepes filled with spinach and cheese) (veg)



Mushroom Indiana (mushroom cooked in curry sauce) (veg)



Aubergine provencal (eggplant cooked with tomatoes) (veg)



Ratatouille pancake (veg)



Vegetable steak (veg)



Rice creole (veg)






Orange yoghurt tart (1 pcs) (with egg)



Plum soufflé



Peach in white wine sauce






Vanilla cheese cake



Mille feuille pastry



French baguette



Take away services with prior booking will be available from 1100 hrs to 2100 hrs. Last order can be placed at 2030 hrs.

Kindly Place order at: 011-24609359, 24609449, 24609472

Kanwal Wali

President Biden’s Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East

02 July 2021, 04:00 pm
President Biden’s Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

Panelists: Prof. Achin Vanaik, formerly Professor of International Relations and Global Politics, University of Delhi; Dr. Stanly Johny, International Affairs Editor, The Hindu; and Prof. Imankalyan Lahiri, Dept. of International Relations, Jadavpur University

Chair: Amb. K.P. Fabian

With West Asia, a virtual tinderbox, if the powers in the region cannot exercise restraint, there is a definite risk of a war with disastrous consequences, not only for the region, but also for the rest of the world. The discussion will examine what President Joe Biden can do to promote reconciliation between Israel and Iran, and between Iran and Saudi Arabia; and to bring about a cease-fire in Yemen. Will Biden re-enter the Iran nuclear deal as he had promised as a candidate? What are the implications of Benjamin Netanyahu’s exit and the arrival of the new president in Iran?


28 June 2021, 04:00 pm
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

Kalidasa: Vikramorvashiyam - Quest for Urvashi  
Translated by A.N.D. Haksar (Penguin Classics, New Delhi: 2021)

Discussants: Dr. Sudhamahi Regunathan, former Vice Chancellor, Jain Vishva Bharati University, Ladnun, Rajasthan; Amb. Amarendra Khatua, former Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs and former Director General, Indian Council for Cultural Relations; Amb. Bhaswati Mukherjee, former Indian Ambassador to The Netherlands; Amb. A.N.D. Haksar, former diplomat and translator of the book                          

Moderator: Shri Sunit Tandon, Director, India Habitat Centre

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (France/Les parapluies de Cherbourg)

28 June 2021, 12:00 am
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (France/Les parapluies de Cherbourg)
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts

(91 min; 1964; French with English subtitles)
Director: Jacques Demy

Recipient of the Palme d’Or, OCIC Award & Technical Grand Prix, Cannes Film Festival 1964; Critics Award for Best Film, French Syndicate of Cinema Critics 1965; and Winner of the Prix Louis Delluc Award 1965

The film that helped launch Catherine Deneuve to international stardom, the wonderful The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg has a slender story: a pregnant shopgirl Geneviève (Deneuve) is separated from her mechanic lover Guy (Castelnuovo), when the latter is drafted into military service during the Algerian war. But director Demy conjures up a work of sheer cinematic delight, transforming the dreary port of Cherbourg into a pastel-coloured fairytale world, in which every line of dialogue is sung to Michel Legrand's memorable score.

The magic here lies in the fluid choreography of the actors, in the elegance of Jean Rabier's camerawork and in Bernard Evein's ravishing production design, which combine to invest everyday settings such as an umbrella shop or an Esso garage with romantic yearning. Deneuve is luminously beautiful throughout, looking fabulously chic even in a maternity dress, whilst Demy himself pops up in a cameo asking for directions to the paint shop in a film awash in primary colours.

Divided into three sections - departure, absence, return - The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg deals with so-called 'ordinary' characters, who have experienced the pain of lost love. This includes not just the two leads, but also Geneviève's mother (Vernon) and the diamond dealer Roland (Michel), who appeared in a younger guise in Demy's earlier film Lola. And unlike most Hollywood musicals, there's no conventionally uplifting resolution, more a bitter-sweet acceptance of happiness' transience and fate's unexpected workings.

In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (1998)

28 June 2021, 12:00 am
In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (1998)
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts

Director: David Wallace

A four-part BBC series, written and presented by Michael Wood

Michael Wood retraces Alexander the Great’s amazing journey from Greece to India, searching for the truth behind the legend and experiencing the tremendous scale of his achievements.

Using the ancient historians as his guides, Wood follows Alexander’s journey as closely as possible, crossing deserts and rivers, from Turkey to war-torn Afghanistan. As the journey progresses, he recreates the drama of Alexanders epic marches and bloody battles. All along the way he finds proof of the survival of the legends surrounding Alexander, a leader whose life has excited the world’s imagination for the 2,000 years.

Episode II: Lord of Asia (60 min)
Alexander invades Persia – todays Iran. Michael Wood traces his route through the Zagros mountains to Persepolis. He hears from storytellers that this defeat is still remembered today by the Zoroastrian community. The programme ends at the Caspian Sea, the edge of the world for Alexander.


The Hitch

28 June 2021, 12:00 am
The Hitch
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions, Webcasts

“The Hitch” – Christopher Hitchens | (88 min; 2014; English)

Director: Kristoffer Seland Hellesmark

An independent documentary profiling the controversial author and literary critic Christopher Hitchens. It features a selection of fascinating clips, speeches and thoughts of Hitchens.

Director Kristoffer Seland Hellesmark was one day searching for a documentary on Hitchens but was unable to find one. He subsequently decided to make his own, resulting in an 88-minute film composed of clips from Hitchen’s interviews and talks, serving as a tribute to one of the greatest thinkers - perhaps the most articulate and contrarian intellectual of his generation.