Appointment of Mr. K.N. Shrivastava, IAS (Retd.) as Director, IIC
8th January, 2019
Appointment of Mr. K.N. Shrivastava, IAS (Retd.)
as Director, IIC
Mr. K.N. Shrivastava, IAS (Retd.) has been appointed Director of India International Centre by the Board of Trustees. He took charge of the post on 1
st January, 2019.
Born on January 1
st, 1954 at Karahia Village in Ghazipur District of UP, he did M.Sc. (Physics) in 1973 from Allahabad University.
He joined Indian Forest Service in 1976. Four months later, he was selected for I.P.S. and all Central Services. He joined Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) in July 1976. Two years later in 1978, he was selected to I.A.S. and allotted Karnataka Cadre.
He held several important positions in Government of Karnataka. He worked as District Magistrate of 4 Districts namely Tumkur, Bangalore, Belgaum and Uttar Kannada (Karwar). His postings as DM of Belgaum and Uttar Kannada Districts were done specially to control the then prevailing communal disturbances in those districts.
He successfully managed some very important PSUs. He was posted as CMD of Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. and common Chairman of all the four Power Distribution companies of Karnataka State (2002-04). As MD of Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Ltd. (KBJNL) (1999-2000), he implemented the Upper Krishna Irrigation and Power Project across river Krishna. During his tenure, the famous Almatti Dam Project was completed on river Krishna enabling the state to utilize its water share in Krishna River Basin. As first MD of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (BMRCL) (2004-06), he got the Bangalore Metro Rail Project sanctioned and started its implementation. He worked as CMD of Hutti Gold Mines Co. (the only gold mining company of the country) (1994-99) for 5 years. He also had an eventful career as Director of Bangalore Dairy (1984-86).
In Government of India, he worked as Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Culture (2000-02), Joint Secretary (Airports) (2006-08) in the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Director General of Archaeological Survey of India (2009-10), Additional Secretary and Financial Adviser in the Ministry of External Affairs (2010-12). During his tenure of Joint Secretary (Airports), most of the Greenfield and Brownfield airport development projects were started.
Mr. K.N. Shrivastava worked as Secretary in the Ministry of Civil Aviation from August 2012 to December 2013. He superannuated from Government Service on 31.12.2013.
Before joining as Director, IIC, he worked as Member, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (March to July 2014) and thereafter as a Administrative Member in Central Administrative Tribunal (March 2015-December 2018).
We extend a warm welcome to Mr. K.N. Shrivastava.
(Kanwal Wali)
To : All Members