Physical Voting at India International Centre (Main) for Elections to the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee

Physical Voting at India International Centre (Main) for Elections to the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee
Start Date
05 March 2019, 12:00 am
Physical Voting at India International Centre (Main) for
Elections to the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee

Dear Member,

  1. Please refer our e-mail of 16th February 2019 vide which Members were informed about the option to cast vote through electronic means (E-Voting) which was held from 18th to 25th February 2019
  2. It is noticed from the data on E-Voting, that you have not opted to cast your vote through E-Voting option.
  3. As per the Election Bye-Laws, you may now opt to exercise your right to vote physically at IIC Main Centre from 16th to 19th March 2019 (all days inclusive) from 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs.
  4. The ballot paper shall be provided to you at the voting booth.  You are requested to carry your Membership Card/ Photo-Id Card for necessary identification at the voting booth.
  5. List of contesting candidates along with bio sketches are attached for your information.

          Thanking you,

                                                                                      Yours sincerely,
                                                                                        (Kanwal Wali)



 Election to the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee for the period



(April 2019-March 2021)

Please click on the candidate name below to view the Biosketch
Names of the Candidates
A Board of Trustees by Individual Members (One Seat)
  Shri Surendra Kumar Bhagat (M-3951)
  Shri  Ashok Bhan (M-3491)
  Shri Sunil Dang (M-4013)
  Shri L.K. Joshi (M-3588)
  Dr. Ashis Nandy (M-4317)
B Board of Trustees by Institutional Members (One Seat)   Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi (CM-156)
  Dr. Ather Farouqui (CM-303)
C Executive Committee by Individual Members (Two Seats)   Shri Anil Anand (M-4051)
  Ms. Meera Bhatia (M-3756)
  Shri Suhas Borker (M-3355)
  Professor Ramesh Chandra (M-3310)
  Ambassador K.P. Fabian (M-3152)
  Shri Sanjiv Garg (M-4240)
  Dr. Manju Kak (M-3589)
  Shri Prakash Nanda (M-3517)
  Shri Shastri Ramachandaran (M-3983)
  Dr. S.C. Shukla (M-3112)
D Executive Committee by Corporate
Institutions other than Universities
(Including Deemed Universities)
(One Seat)
  Prof. Anil Sahasrabudhe (CM-232)
E Executive Committee by Universities (Including Deemed Universities)
(One Seat)


Voting through electronic means

Voting through electronic means
Start Date
18 February 2019, 12:00 am
Dear IIC Member,
Sub: Voting through electronic means

          A copy of Election Bye-laws has already been forwarded to all eligible members.  We are pleased to extend the facility to exercise the right to vote by electronic means.  This facility has been arranged through M/s. Karvy Fintech (“Karvy”).
2.       The E-voting shall have Event Number “4424”.  Every eligible Member has been assigned distinct User ID and Password by email from M/s Karvy. Members are to login with the provided login Id. and password on the voting URL
3.       The remote E-voting facility will be available round the clock during the following period:
Commencement of Remote E-voting
From 9.00 a.m. (IST) on 18th February 2019
End of Remote E-voting Up to 5.00 p.m. (IST) on 25th February 2019
4.       The E-voting will not be allowed beyond the aforesaid date and time and the E-voting module would automatically get disabled upon the expiry of the aforesaid period. 
5.       If you do not wish to cast your vote through electronic means, you would have the option to physically cast your vote at the voting booth at IIC from 16th to 19th March 2019 any time from 0900 hours to 1700 hours on all these dates.
6.       Please read the attached instructions carefully before exercising your vote electronically.
          Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Kanwal Wali

The procedure for Voting by Electronic Means is as follows:

  1. Launch Internet browser during voting period by typing the URL:
  2. On the homepage top, a link 'IIC Biosketch' is available. On Clicking on 'IIC Biosketch' it will direct the Members to the list of nominated candidates for election. On clicking on the name of the candidate, his picture and brief Biosketch page would open. To go back to the Home page, please click on the “Home Icon” placed at the top.
  3. On Home page, enter the login credentials (i.e. user id and password) as given to each member in the covering note mail sent   by M/s Karvy of dated 16th Feb. 2019.
  4. After entering the details of User ID and Password, enter the Captcha details in the box and click on "LOGIN".
  5. You will now reach password change webpage wherein you are required to mandatorily change your password. The new password shall comprise of minimum 8 characters with at least one upper case (A-Z), one lower case (a-z), one numeric value (0-9) and a special character (@,#,$, etc.,). Example: Abc@2019.
  6. You need to login again with the new credentials and on successful login, the system will prompt you to select the e-Voting event.
  7. Select the EVENT as India International Centre and click on "SUBMIT".
  8. Now you are ready for e-Voting as "Cast Vote" page opens.
  9. In case of Individual category, kindly tick mark (✓) against the appropriate Box to select ONE candidate for Board of Trustees (BoT) and TWO candidates for Executive Committee
  10. In case of Institutional category, kindly tick mark (✓) against the appropriate box to select ONE candidate for Board of Trustees (BoT) and ONE candidate for Executive Committee (EC).
  11. Once you have selected the candidate(s) for BT and EC, please click on "SUBMIT". A confirmation box will be displayed. Click "OK" to confirm else, "CANCEL" to modify. Once you confirm, you will not be allowed to modify your vote
  12. If members have not exercised their vote and clicked on "Submit" button, in such a case it will be treated as "ABSTAINED" from e-voting and such members have the option to cast vote physically at IIC from 16th March 2019 to 19th March 2019 (0900 hrs. - 1700 hrs. Daily).
  13. Once a candidate has been selected by member and submitted the vote for BT and EC, in such case the member shall not be able to change it subsequently.
  14. E-voting option is available to all eligible members round the clock from 0900 hrs. (IST) on 18/02/2019 to 1700 hrs. (IST) on 25/02/2019. Member residing in other countries are to specially note that the time may vary from IST to their country time zone
  15. On 26/02/2019, M/s Karvy will forward to IIC the list of Members who have not cast their vote through E-voting website. Such members list would then be complied at IIC and only such members can cast their vote physically at IIC
  16. Physical voting by all those who have not voted through E-voting would be arranged at IIC (Main) from 16/03/2019 to 19/03/2019 from 0900 hrs. to 1700 hrs. daily
  17. The Counting of all votes would be done by Independent Scrutinisers on 28/03/2019
  18. For queries related to E-voting member can contact at following E-mails:
    1. Escalation level 1: send a mail to 
    2. Escalation level 2: send a mail to
    3. Escalation level 3: send a mail to
  19. For any other query related to elections, please write to

E-Voting Orientation cum Familiarisation

E-Voting Orientation cum Familiarisation
Start Date
12 February 2019, 12:00 am
12th February 2019
E-Voting Orientation cum Familiarisation
PowerPoint Presentation
  1. Further to our notice of 2nd February 2019, wherein Schedule of Orientation-cum-Familiarisation on E-Voting organised at Conference Room I for Members of IIC was intimated.
  2. Attached is the PowerPoint Presentation of the Orientation cum Familiarisation Programme on E-Voting procedure for information of Members.
  3. An additional session for Orientation cum Familiarisation is planned on  Saturday, the 16th February 2019 at 1430 hrs in Conf. Room I of IIC for Members who were not able to attend the earlier sessions organised from 7th to 9th February 2019.
  4. Kindly intimate your presence for necessary administrative arrangement.
  5. The above information will also be available on IIC Website (


           (Kanwal Wali)

To: All Members

Please click here to download the PowerPoint Presentation


Updated Schedule for the Elections to the Board and Executive Committee for the period April 2019 – March 2021 (with provision for E-Voting)

Updated Schedule for the Elections to the Board and Executive Committee for the period April 2019 – March 2021 (with provision for E-Voting)
Start Date
07 February 2019, 12:00 am

          Further to our E-Mail dated 04 February 2019, the E-Voting Schedule is as below:

Schedule for the Elections to the Board and Executive Committee for the period April 2019 – March 2021 (with provision for E-Voting)
   Activity    Dates

   Letter + E-mails to validly nominated Candidates, giving them

   option to withdraw.

   01/02/2019 (Friday)
   Orientation-cum-Familiarisation Programme on E-Voting for
   eligible Members to be held at IIC.
   Email to Members with details of Orientation-cum-
   Familiarisation schedule will be uploaded on IIC Website on
   07th February 2019 for those who are not able to attend.
   07/02/2019(Thursday) to
   09/02/2019    (Saturday)
   Receipt of replies from the candidates after exercising options
   to withdraw.
   13/02/2019 (Wednesday)
   Date of E-Voting (8 days).    From 0900 Hrs on
   18/02/2019 (Monday) to
   1700 Hrs on 25/02/2019
   Voting at the IIC Polling Booths.    16/03/2019 (Saturday) to
   19/03/2019 (Tuesday)
   (From 0900 Hrs to 1700
   Hrs on all the 4 Days)
   Counting of Ballots.
   28/03/2019 (Thursday)
   Declaration of results on the day of the Annual General Body
   30/03/2019 (Saturday)
                                                                                                                                                             Kanwal Wali
All Members 

Schedule for the Elections to the Board and Executive Committee for the period April 2019 – March 2021 (With Provision of E-Voting)

Schedule for the Elections to the Board and Executive Committee for the period April 2019 – March 2021 (With Provision of E-Voting)
Start Date
04 February 2019, 12:00 am

Date: 04 February 2019
          Please refer to our earlier communications on Elections to the Board of Trustees & Executive Committee, April 2019 - March 2021.
2.      The E-Voting schedule for the ensuing Elections is attached for your information which is also available on IIC Website, 
3.      The Orientation-cum-Familiarisation Programme on E-Voting Procedures will be held at IIC (Main Centre) on 07th, 08th and 09th February 2019, the details of which have already been communicated vide Email sent on 02nd February 2019. 
         The Procedure will also be made available on IIC Website for those who are not able to attend the same.
Enclosure : As Above                                                                  Kanwal Wali
All Members 


Schedule for the Elections to the Board and Executive Committee  for the period April 2019 – March 2021 (With Provision of E-Voting)

   Activity   Dates

   Letter + E-mails to validly nominated Candidates, giving them

  option to withdraw 

  01/02/2019 (Friday)

  Orientation-cum-Familiarisation Programme on E-Voting for
  eligible Members at IIC.

  Email to Members with details of Orientation-cum-
  Familiarisation schedule will be    uploaded on IIC Website on
  07th February 2019 for those who are not able to attend.


  to 09/02/2019 (Saturday)
  Receipt of replies from the candidates after exercising options
  to withdraw
  13/02/2019 (Wednesday)
  Date of E-Voting (8 days)  
  From 0900 Hrs (IST) on 18/02/2019
  (Monday) to   25/02/2019 (Monday) till
  1700   Hrs (IST) 
  Voting at the IIC Polling Booths  
  16/03/2019 (Saturday) to
  19/03/2019 (Tuesday)
  (both inclusive - 4 Days)
  Counting of Ballots
  28/03/2019 (Thursday)
  Declaration of results on the day of the Annual General Body
  30/03/2019 (Saturday)


Election to the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee for the period (April 2019-March 2021)

Election to the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee for the period (April 2019-March 2021)
Start Date
01 February 2019, 12:00 am
Election to the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee for the period (April 2019-March 2021)
Following are the list of valid nominations received for the Board of Trustees  and Executive Committee.  In case any nominated members wishes to  withdraw his name from the elections, option is being given to such members up to 13th February 2019 and thereafter the Final list of nominated members would be intimated.
  Category   Names of the Candidates
  A   Board of Trustees by Individual
  Members (One Seat)
  Shri  Ashok Bhan (M-3491)
  Shri L.K. Joshi (M-3588)
  Shri Surendra Kumar Bhagat (M-3951)
  Shri Sunil Dang (M-4013)
  Dr. Ashis Nandy (M-4317)
  B   Board of Trustees by Institutional
  Members (One Seat)
  Dr. Ather Farouqui (CM-303)
  Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi (CM-156)
  Prof. Yogesh Kumar Tyagi (CF-006)
  C   Executive Committee by Individual
   Members (Two Seats)
  Dr. S.C. Shukla (M-3112)
  Shri Prakash Nanda (M-3517)
  Shri Shastri Ramachandaran (M-3983)
  Ms. Manju Kak (M-3589)
  Ambassador K.P. Fabian (M-3152)
  Shri Sanjiv Garg (M-4240)
  Ms. Meera Bhatia (M-3756)
  Professor Ramesh Chandra (M-3310)
  Shri Suhas Borker (M-3355)
  Shri Anil Anand (M-4051)
  D   Executive Committee by Corporate
  Institutions other than Universities
  (Including Deemed Universities)
  (One Seat)
  Prof. Anil Sahasrabudhe (CM-232)
  E   Executive Committee by Universities
  (Including Deemed Universities)
  (One Seat)
                                                                                                                                                (Kanwal Wali)
                                                                                                                                           1st February 2019
To: All Members

Annual Subscription 2019- 2020

Annual Subscription 2019- 2020
Start Date
01 February 2019, 12:00 am
Annual Subscription
All members are requested to pay annual subscription for the year 2019-2020 on or before 31st March 2019. Do write your Membership number and Annual Subscription for the year 2019-2020 on the back of the cheque.
In case you choose to make electronic/online payment, please inform accounts department that amount deposited is towards annual subscription for the year 2019-2020.
An extract of Rule 9 of the Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations is given below for information:
“Subscriptions towards membership are payable in advance for each financial year and shall be due for payment on the 1st April of each year. It shall be the responsibility of the members to ensure due and timely payment of subscriptions.”
Please keep your mailing address/email and mobile numbers updated.

Notice for the 63rd Annual General Body Meeting

Notice for the 63rd Annual General Body Meeting
Start Date
24 January 2019, 12:00 am
23rd January, 2019
Sub: Notice for the 63rd Annual General Body Meeting
Dear Member,
1. The 63rd Annual General Body Meeting of the India International Centre will be held at 5.30 pm in the Auditorium on Saturday the 30th  March 2019 to transact the following business:-
a) Confirmation of the Minutes of the 62nd  AGBM as earlier circulated.
b) Adoption of the Director’s Annual Report for 2018-19.
c) Adoption of the Audit Report and Annual Statement of Accounts for the Financial Year 2017-18 as certified by the Auditors.
d) Adoption of the Revised Estimates for 2018-19 and Budget Estimates for 2019-20.
e) Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
2. The Annual Report will be available on the IIC website.  The Audit Report, Revised Estimates and Budget Estimates will be sent to the members email account, whose email id is registered with us.  Members are requested to please update their emails with the Membership Department at the earliest.  A few copies of the Report will also be placed in the IIC Library for perusal of Members.
3. The printed reports will be made available at the venue for Members who are attending the Annual General Body Meeting, on the day of the meeting.
4. Members who wish to raise any matter for the consideration under para 1 (e) may kindly send a brief note on the subject so as to reach the undersigned latest by Wednesday the 28th February, 2019.
5. In case there is lack of quorum for the AGBM by 5.30 pm on Saturday, the 30th  March 2019, the meeting will be adjourned for half an hour.  The adjourned General Body meeting would then be held at 6 pm on the same day, at the same place, to transact the business listed in para 1 above.
6. We request you to please make it convenient to attend the Annual General Body Meeting.

Yours sincerely,
               (Kanwal Wali)


Start Date
19 January 2019, 12:00 am
The Library Open House Meeting will be held under the Chairmanship of Shri Soli J Sorabjee on Friday, 15th February, 2019 at 4 pm in the Main Dining Hall.  
Members of IIC are requested to attend the same.
Suggestions are welcome from Members which may reach the Chief Librarian by 5th February 2019 at  
Preceding the meeting, tea will be served between 3.45 pm and 4 pm.
(Kanwal Wali)


Start Date
19 January 2019, 12:00 am

An Open House meeting will be held on Saturday, 16th February, 2019 at 4 pm in the Main Dining Hall of the Centre under the Chairmanship of Shri L.K. Joshi, Chairman, House Committee.
The House Committee deals with the matters relating to functioning of Hostel, Food and Catering services, the upkeep and maintenance and the general ambience of the Centre.  The suggestions for the House Committee should be restricted to the overall improvements rather than individual issues, and may be sent to the undersigned at  by 5th February, 2019
Preceding the meeting, tea will be served between 3.45pm and 4pm.
Members are requested to kindly attend.

(Kanwal Wali)