Expression of Interest is invited from reputed Vendors dealing in Digitization, Digital Archiving and Metadata Creations of Document
The meeting is now to be held on June 8, 2019 at 11 am in the Conference Room -1 IIC.
Dear Member,
We have sent notices of Annual subscription dues to the Members along with bills from February this year. The notice regarding payment of annual subscription was also put in the IIC Diary (edition Nov-Dec 2018, Jan-Feb 2019 and Mar-April 2019) and also uploaded on IIC website
2. For reference an extract of Rule 9 of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations is reproduced below:
Subscriptions towards Membership are payable in advance for each financial year and shall be due for payment on the 1st April of each year. It shall be the responsibility of the Members to ensure due and timely payment of subscriptions.
3. Rule 26 (f) of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations further stipulates as:
The name of any Member, individual or institutional, who is liable to pay subscription by 1st April of each year but whose subscription falls in arrears beyond 31st May shall be removed from the Roll of Members of the Centre…
4. Members who have not paid their Annual Subscription for the year 2019-20 are again reminded to pay your Annual Subscription fee and all other dues latest by 31st May 2019.
5. In case the outstanding dues are not cleared by 31st May 2019, IIC would be forced to deactivate membership of such Members which can be re-activated only after payment of penalty equal to the amount of subscription fee.[*] Any request for waiver of the penalty would not be entertained.
Yours sincerely,
(Kanwal Wali)
Dear Member,
We are pleased to inform that IIC is implementing new ERP software with the prime objective of integrating existing operational processes and transactions. The Smart Card will replace the existing membership card. The Smart Card would enable the Centre to automate and streamline the financial transactions.
It is programmed to complete the process within 4 months covering all the Members. The Members would be required to carry out all their financial transactions with the Centre through their Smart Cards or Credit/ Debit Cards w.e.f. 1 August 2019. In the interregnum, the existing mode of monthly billing shall also continue.
Please fill up the enclosed form for Smart Card and return it to the Membership Office, IIC by post or submit it in person at the IIC Information Desk of the main building at your earliest but positively by 30th April 2019. Alternatively, Individual Members may choose to login in the Member login at IIC Website and fill the form online under ‘My Profile’ link
For any query please revert on
Please click on link below to download the document
Thanking you,