Notice for the 59th Annual General Body Meeting

Notice for the 59th Annual General Body Meeting
Start Date
12 February 2015, 12:00 am
Dear Member,
Sub :Notice for the 59th Annual General Body Meeting
1. The 59th Annual General Body Meeting of the India International Centre will be held at 5.30 p.m. in the Auditorium on Monday the 30 March to transact the.following business:-
(a) Confirmation of the Minutes of the 58th AGM as earlier circulated.
(b) Adoption of the Director's Annual Report for 2014-15.
(c) Adoption of the Audit Report and Annual Statement of Accounts for the Financial Year 2013-14 as certified by the Auditors.
(d) Adoption of the Revised Estimates for 2014-2015 and Budget Estimates for 2015-2016.
(e) Announcing the outcome of the electoral process to fill the vacancies on the Board and the Committee for the ensuing two year period, i.e., April 2015-March 2017.
(f) Any other matter with the permission of the Chair
2. The relevant papers on the agenda listed above will be circulated separately.
3. Members who wish to raise any matter for the consideration under para 1 (f) may kindly send a brief note on the subject so as to reach the undersigned latest by the Saturday the 28, February 2015.
4. If there is lack of quorum by 5.30 p.m. on Monday the 30th March, the meeting will be adjourned for half an hour. The adjourned General Body meeting would then be held at 6 p.m. on the same day, at the same place, to transact the business listed in para 1 above.
5. We request you to kindly make it convenient to attend the Annual General Body Meeting.
Yours sincerely,
(Cmde. Ravinder Datta)
- Secretary

To:  All Members of the General Body


Start Date
05 February 2015, 12:00 am
On 05.02.2015 (Thursday) from 6:00 P.M. to 07.02.2015 (Saturday) upto 6:00 P.M.
(Polling Day) : (i.e. for 48 Hours)
On 10.02.2015 : (Counting Day) : (Full Day)

Holiday on account of Election in Delhi - Feb 07 2015

Holiday on account of Election in Delhi - Feb 07 2015
Start Date
05 February 2015, 12:00 am
Being a Holiday on account of “Election in Delhi” on Saturday the 7th February 2015,
Limited Items will be served in the Dining Hall and Lounge of the Main Centre & the Annexe
The Bars in both Main & Annexe will remain closed
(For Information) 


Start Date
22 January 2015, 12:00 am

The Library Open House Meeting will be held under the Chairmanship of Shri Soli J Sorabjee, President, IIC on Friday, 20th February 2015 at 4:30 pm in the Main Dining Hall.
Members of IIC are requested to attend the same.
Suggestions are welcome from Members. The suggestions may kindly be sent to the undersigned latest by 14th February 2015.
Preceding the meeting, tea will be served between 4.00 pm and 4.25 pm.
(S. Majumdar)
Chief Librarian

To:    All Members
          Members’ Notice Board

The Annual Day of the Centre is scheduled on Thursday 22nd January 2015

The Annual Day of the Centre is scheduled on Thursday 22nd January 2015
Start Date
15 January 2015, 12:00 am
The Annual Day of the Centre is scheduled on Thursday 22nd January 2015.  The programme is as follows:-

Members’ Tea           :                                1700 hrs. (Fountain Lawn)

A Festival of Films   :                                  1100 hrs. Maqbool  (Macbeth)
(by Vishal Bhardwaj)                                 1400 hrs. Omkara   (Othello)
Revisiting Shakespeare                           1 800 hrs. Haider    (Hamlet)

Venue: IIC Auditorium

Contributory Dinner :                                              2000 hrs.
For Members  only                                                 in Main Dining Hall and Private Dining Hall

Kindly please note that the reservation for contributory dinner will be made on first come first served basis.  Members may have to share a table with other members to ensure best utilization of seating capacity and your co-operation in this regard is requested.

Cancellation of booking after Tuesday, 20th January 2015 will not be entertained.  The bill will be raised in advance for the confirmed booking and will be charged to the member’s account.

Election process on Board of Trustees & Executive Committee

Election process on Board of Trustees & Executive Committee
Start Date
12 November 2014, 12:00 am
The Election process to the two seats on Board of Trustees and four seats on Executive Committee ( as per the details given below) is about to begin soon.
1.      Two seats on the Board of Trustees ( One from Individual Member segment and the other from Institutional Members segment).
2.      Two seats on Executive Committee from Individual Members segment.
3.      Two seats on Executive Committee to be filled by Institutional Members i.e. one seat to be elected by Corporate Foundation Members and Universities ( Including deemed Universities) and the other by the Corporate Institutions other than Universities  ( Including Deemed Universities).
The Corporate Members are requested to update the name of their designated nominee ( Ex. Head) for representing the Institution by Saturday, 22nd November, 2014.
All Individual members are hereby requested to update their addresses ( in case of any changes theirin) by Saturday, 22nd November, 2014, so that the communications sent regarding election reach them on time. All communications will be sent to the last address registered with the Centre.

Moharram - Limited Items Menu will be served

Moharram - Limited Items Menu will be served
Start Date
03 November 2014, 12:00 am
 Being a Gazetted Holiday on Tuesday the 4th November 2014,


 Limited Items Menu will be served in the Dining Hall and Lounge of the Main Centre & Annexe
 (For Information) 

Guru Nanak’s Birthday - Limited Items Menu will be served

Guru Nanak’s Birthday - Limited Items Menu will be served
Start Date
03 November 2014, 12:00 am
Being a Gazetted Holiday on  Thursday the 6th November 2014,

“Guru Nanak’s Birthday ”

 Limited Items Menu will be served in the Dining Hall and Lounge of the Main Centre & Annexe
 (For Information) 

Diwali Circular

Diwali Circular
Start Date
20 October 2014, 12:00 am


On account of Diwali Thursday the 23rd of October, 2014, the Catering outlets will function as follows :
Dining Hall (Main Centre) Break Fast          7:30 am to 10:00am

Lunch                 12:30 pm to 02:45 pm       (Fixed Meal)    

Dinner                7:00 pm to 8:00 pm           (Fixed Meal)    
Lounge (Main Centre)                                  10:30 am to 05:30 pm
                                                                      (Limited Menu)
                                                                      (Last order will be taken at 05:00 pm)
The Bar of the Main Centre will remain closed.    

The Dining Hall, Lounge and Bar of Annexe will remain closed.